Chapter 8: Powwow

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A few days later, it's confirmed that the twins fled.

The news buzzes like a virus throughout the PLF base as whispers fill the halls. Some seem surprised, openly wondering why the Nakamura brothers left, but most are unfazed. Those unsurprised know the twins and their loyalty to the former leader. Some of them even claim to have known something like that would have happened sooner or later.

At first, Re-Destro is one of the stunned crowd. Over and over he expressed his confusion about the twins' behavior and disappearance, but I think he was only in denial. After the second day, he comes to terms with their leaving. He's not happy about it, but he starts to believe it, which only frustrates him.

Several times I have heard him curse and spit bitter words whenever he's tried to call one of them, only to be sent to voicemail. It's left him in a foul mood.

As for Tomura, he seems more than unfazed - he appears content. I suppose he burned the last of his frustration the morning of the bursts. He is neither surprised nor upset about the twins' leaving. As far as I can tell, business is all the usual without them.

Still, I can understand the upset their fleeing has caused. Though I've never witnessed their quirks, I've heard how incredible they are, especially when they work as a single unit. The illusions the two of them can create are said to be vivid to the point of physical belief.

But that's only what I've heard.

In the end, none of it really matters anymore. Asahi and Akihiko are both gone, having fled in the burning haze of a late morning. The taste of freedom now can slip on their tongues and take them far and wide.

As for us, we'll manage. I don't know the extent of Tomura's plans in utilizing the twins, but even with their new absence, I know we'll get by. He and the League have already proven that.

The world fears the PLF, and between the prison break and the growing distrust the public has for heroes and the police, the less that can be done to contain them. Even though everyone walks around trying to maintain normality, the more fragile the seams become, tearing as the fabric of society slowly unravels. It's only a matter of time until it all collapses in on itself.

"Well, that was a waste," Toga says. She is sitting, looking at her nails with boredom etched onto her face. "Looks like we really did bust them out for no reason."

"What a shame," Twice huffs. "Those two were no good!"

We are situated in one of the many lounges in the building, but it is not just the three of us. It is all of the League - Dabi, Compress, Spinner, Toga, Twice, and Tomura. We are all gathered in this room, each doing something. Toga is lounging on one of the sofas with Twice sitting on the floor next to her. Spinner is standing next to Compress, the two carrying their own quiet conversation. I can't make out what they're saying. As for Dabi, he is standing with his back pressed against a wall, fidgeting with something small. He looks uninterested and content in his own little bubble.

And then there's Tomura.

He stands, his back to us as he looks out a window. The golden haze dusts around him, almost making his white hair look as if it's glowing while simultaneously casting shadows across his back. I can't see his face. Not clearly. Not anything beyond a faded reflection in the glass, but I can't tell much else.

And despite that, I can still picture his expression perfectly in my mind. Tired eyes plagued by exhaustion with dark circles and scars beneath them. Thin lips pressed in a flat line. And an even and undeterred expression.

"Yeah, it was a waste," Dabi says in agreement, pulling me from my thoughts. I blink, turning to him. He is still standing, pressed up against a wall, but his attention is now directed at Toga and Jin. "And a waste of time. We could have been doing something the whole time we were waiting for them -" he now turns, looking at Tomura "- but instead we just sat on our asses."

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