Chapter 14

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First off sorry for the picture sort of not really its funny and second I've had writers block on this story for a long time so if you can please message me what you want in this book it can be anything I promise I'll use it also can I just say that I'm going through a tough time right now starting around when the beginning of the Teen Wolf season premier.

**Season spoilers* **sort of**

Just when you think your boyfriend loves you he starts flirting with another girl. So you try and act like everything's okay but you can see right through him that he has feeling for another but he can break up with you and you can with him.


I'm sorry guys but I'm here's the next chapter.

Quick recap:
Carter and Crystal broke up
The girls went out to cheer her up

We went to the movies to see who knows what but we after that we went to two more movies. Finally they closed. We left and went to get Chipotle.

Momma loves her some Chipotle. We left to go back home after we ordered. When we walked in Carter, Gabe, Matt, Cam, Shawn, and Taylor were all watching TV.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Oh some of the guys wanted to see their girlfriends and by some I mean all of them."

"One or two may have wanted to do something really gross so I think some of you would go to your rooms." Cameron said. All of the girls who's boyfriends weren't watching TV ran to their rooms.

"Thanks Cam but were still trying to help someone." I said staring angrily at them all.

"No I'll just go to my room it's fine you hang out with your boyfriends." Crystals voice spoke coming from behind us. She saw Carter and cried a little.

"Can we talk?" Carter asked.

"I know it's sooner than you hoped but we can go with if you need us to." I said to her quietly.

"I can do this if I call for you come please?" Crystal asked back.

"Deal." I said.

"Lets go to my room." Crystal said.

"You can do this were here for you if anything happens."I told Crystal. I hugged her and she left.

"So what to do?" I asked.

"We can watch a movie or something." Cam offered.

"Okay. Hey was Johnson one of the people that wanted to have painful 'fun'?" I asked putting air quotes around fun.

"I don't think so why?" Taylor asked.

"I need to ask him a question. duh." I said my voice getting higher for some reason when I said duh.

"Duh." all the guys said over and over again making fun if me.

I walked up to Harmony's room and knocked.

"JACK!" I yelled through the door.

Harmony came and opened the door.

"Hey babe." Harmony said to me. Jack walked up to her and slug his arm around her shoulder.

"I don't know what you guys are planning on doing and I don't want to know but Jack I want to hang out with my old best friend again." I said.

"Okay but I'm leaving next week to hang out with family so maybe when I get back." Harmony told me.

"Okay. " I told her nodding my head. "Jack can I ask you something really quick." I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be back in, in a second." Jack said giving Harmony a quick kiss on the lips.

"So first off I hope you know I meant I want to hang out with you not harmony but I love her so I will with her too." I said.

"Yeah I know and I can tomorrow." I can be just me and you.

"Yay I get my best friend back." I said giving him a bear hug.

I decided to ask Hayes who actually was my best friend if he wanted to hang out. My little brother.

"Hayes and Mya your too young to be haven't sex so I'm coming in." I told them.

They were watching a movie I looked at the screen and it was The Lucky One.

"Benjamin Hayes Grier!" I yelled.

"Kaylnn! It's not what it looks like." Hayes told me shocked.

"I can see The Lucky One on the TV." I said crossing my arms. "We made a deal not to watch that with out each other that was our best friend movie." I said pinning him to the ground.

"I'm sorry I love you. It's just Mya really wanted to watch it ad I can't say no to her. Look at her." Hayes looked at her and smiled.

"I like Mya hit adorable so I'll let you watch it but I'm still mad at you." I said.

"I'm sorry." Hayes said.

"I came in to say You, me and Alyssa should hang out like old times but I know what won't be on the list. Also I'm going to tell Alyssa you watched it without us." I said.

"No please don't." Hayes said.

"I am I'm really hurt Hayes." I said grabbing m heart and letting one tear drop down my face. I closed the door and ran downstairs.

"Alyssa Hayes watched it without us." I said.

"Why?" Alyssa asked.

"His girlfriend really wanted to watch it and he couldn't say no to her face I mean I can't either but."

"Still a promise is a promise." Alyssa said finishing my sentence.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"Watching a movie. Annabelle." Taylor told me.

I said with Matt on the love seat. I looked at him and kissed him.

"We should go on a date." Matt said.

"When?" I asked.

"Saturday." Matt said kissing me biting my bottom lip and grabbing my butt.

I smiled and cuddled up into him we were spooning the whole movie until I fell asleep I ha a dream that all of the girls and guys hated me even Cam, and Alyssa my family.

They told everyone I was a slut and slept with Jack Johnson and made out with Hayes. They said I met Kian and did stuff with him.

I wonder what it means. I also dreamt that I got a bunch of cotton candy I don't know why though I haven't had any since I was 5.


Cameron Dallas' SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora