Chapter 9

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This was the last Magcon until summer. I wasn't going to do it in the summer time.

I was finishing tonight and shutting myself out of the public eye.

I sang and everyone booed and threw things.

By now I was done with it. I finished and went to Shawn. He has been the only one who made even a minute of extra time to talk to me.

Shawn went out and said he wanted all of us backstage to come out.

Everyone come out one by one. Everyone cheered even for the girls. good job way to get their approval.

I came out last ad everyone was either silent or booed.

Everyone on stage looked shocked. I just quietly sat in the back away from everyone.

Shawn made me come over to him and I sat by his legs.

"So I wrote this song for one of my best friends. I hope she can get over all of her problems." Shawn said.

"She would not show that she was afraid but being and feeling alone was too much to face.
Though everyone said that she was so strong. what they didn't know was that she could barley cary on,
but she knew that she would be okay so she didn't let is get in her way."

By then I was crying I knew he was singing about me.

"Sometimes it all gets a little too much but you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up.
and you don't have to be afraid because we're all the same and we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much."

I was crying like a mad man. I could tell the crowd was too.

"She would always tell us how she could do this she would use no help she would be just fine but when it got hard she would loose her focus so take my hand and well be alright."

He kept singing he wrote a really great song just for me.

I was crying when he finished I jumped up and hugged him.

"How could you see all theses things?" I asked.

"You my best friend your like a book. Your boring and fun but I can't read you.'' Shawn told me.

I hugged him and went to Cam I hugged him. Soon we wee all in a group hug.

Then Matt smashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back and pulled away I hugged him and looked at the crowd.

"Can I have a mic?" I asked Mahogany.

"So I know you guys don't like me. I don't know why. but I know you don't. most of you don't want to hear but let me say that if you love Magcon in sticking around." I said.

"Why?" someone yelled.

"Well for one Cameron is my older brother. Two if you didn't see me and Matt have a thing. Three I'm surrounded by the best people ever." I said.

"Wait your Cams little sister?" someone asked.

"Yeah but can someone explain what I did to you?" I asked.

A girl came on stage and told me someone had gotten a video of me and Matt kissing and me and all the other guys having intense moments. Even Cameron.

Like our faces millimeters apart and us kissing things like that. But I've only ever kissed Matt, Alyssa, and Hayes. Don't ask about the last two.

They all thought I was a slut using the boys for fame and they all hated me. Now that they know a few people are warming up to me. Others still don't like me.

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