Chapter 11

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I rolled out of bed. Literally and landed on top of something. There was a pile of girls on the floor. I looked to see Alyssa, Mahogany, and Angelina all laying on the floor tangled into each other.

"What the hell?" I asked waking them up.

"I was trying to sleep bitch." Alyssa said. I put my hand up in defence. I went down stairs to get breakfast and noticed that was the only one up. I groaned and decided to make colorful pancakes. I got the idea from a book I read about o2l.

I got out the ingredients I think and was about to start when Harmony, Aria, and Lucy walked down.

"Hey. Do you guys want to help me make breakfast?" I asked.

"Sure what are we making?" Aria asked walking next to me.

"These colorful pancake things I read in an o2l fan fiction thingy." I said.

"Oh was it the one with Jc and how he got a kid Jaycee or something?" Harmony asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"I read that one too." Lucy said.

"Blah blah who cares I'M HUNGRY!" Aria said.

"OK lets do this." I said. I started making the mix with Lucy while Harmony and Aria cut some fruit and got syrup and sprinkles and a bunch of random shit to put on the pancakes. I separated the mix into a few different bowls.

"DYE THIS BITCH!" I yelled. We all got a color and went dye crazy. We had purple ones, green, blue, pink, and brown. Just because were awesome. The other girls came down and we were about to eat.

"Hey guys should we invite the guys over to eat some because we still have a lot to make." I said.

"Yeah but I have an idea." Angelina said jumping up and running to the fridge. She took out some ranch and put it next one of the bowls.  

"Wait lets make chocolate chip ones and say that they're for us so we don'teat the nasty ones." Mahogany said.

"Lets do it." I said. In the guy's we left 3 good ones. In the purple ones we put ranch in them, in the green ones hot sauce, blue barbecue sauce and cheese, pink pickle juice a lot of it, brown was ours.

"I'll get the guys who wants to come with me?" I asked. Alyssa stood up and so did Aria we went to get the guys obviously.

"Hey are you guys hungry?" I asked Carter when he opened the door.

"Well most of us are sleeping so yeah." He said. "GUYS WAKE UP THE GIRLS HAVE FOOD!" He yelled. I heard someone scream and a lot of loud foot steps then about like 10 guys maybe were running across the street in like boxers and basketball shorts.

"Ok." I said running after them. When we got there they all sat at the table, counter and even the floor.

"Yeah so since we made this we decided that we got the chocolate chip ones." Lucy said.

"Why?'' Matt whined.

"BECAUSE WE SAID SO!" Harmony yelled. Matt nodded and we gave them the pancakes. We decided that out of the whole time being with these guys Brent, and Hayes haven't done anything to us. So we gave them the good pancakes.

After eating we had Taylor, Aaron and Carter running around with burning mouths. Cameron, Nash and Shawn spitting out ranch. Matt spitting out pickle juice with Jack J. Jack G and Sammy with barbecue cheese.

"What did you do to our goodness?!" Taylor yelled.

"You, Aaron, and Carter? Oh just some hot sauce nothing big." Alyssa said.

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