Chapter 7

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*2 months later*

Me and Matt have been getting closer. Nothing serious like I hoped but oh well.

But so have me and Shawn, and me an JJ, oh and me and Aaron. They are some of my best friends.

Cameron and Aria are dating. Their on the verge of using Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

JJ and Harmony are serious. They're already using I love you. The fans even knows their dating.

Nash and Angelina are going on their second date tonight.

Even Alyssa and Taylor are dating. They use Boyfriend and Girlfriend

"So um. What now?" I ask sitting next to Shawn.

"We should go out." Matt said. Everyone looked at him.

Everyone is wanting to date someone. Were making a bet to see who gets a date first.

The winner get $10 from everyone. So that makes $100.

"You wanna take her on a date? Crap now you both get $10 from everyone." Jack G said.

"No. Not like that. No. Like all of us go hang out somewhere." Matt said.


"6 FLAGS!" Carter yelled.

"NEVER BEEN THERE!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Wait all the fans? Why don't we go to like a movie?" Mahogany asked.

"True lets go." Shawn said.

We all stood up and me and Hayes went to tell Cam and Nash where we were going.

Hayes gave me a piggy back ride back.

"Thank you Hayes. I love you." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Wait we got to get dressed!" I yelled. Everyone looked down at what they were wearing.

Most of the guys were wearing boxers. I was in my bra and shorts. The other people were in onesies.

We all ran back inside. Me, Shawn, Hayes, Matt, and Aaron all had rooms downstairs.

Shawn and Aaron were getting theirs fixed because well the guys decided to have a fight.

By fight I mean they threw basketballs, soccer balls, and footballs at each other.

I threw on my outfit and Shawn looked at me hurt, so did Aaron.

"What?" I asked.

"How could you put on a Nash sweatshirt I front of us?" Aaron asked.

"I don't have any of your merch." I said with a shrug.

"Oh. Well were bringing you shopping for our merch tomarrow." Shawn said.

"You do that." I said putting on my shoes.

When the guys were done we went out to the car.

We went to watch The D.U.F.F

"Hey who's our DUFF?" Carter asked.

"We don't fucking have one were all sexy mother fuckers." I said.

"Yea true." Jack G said. I was sitting in between Shawn and Jack G.

I went closer to Shawn and cuddled with him.

"We're classified as Best friends right?" Shawn asked.

"Duh." I told him.

"Good I wouldn't want to be anything different." He told me.

"Me either." I said. We went back to watching the movie.

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