It's In The Trees, It's Coming.

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"Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!" I cried, slamming the phone back into the wall of Max's trailer.

Seventeen missed calls.

Why was no one answering?

"You should come sit with us." Steve suggests, coming up behind me and rubbing my shoulders.

I shook my head, pacing in the kitchen area. "I don't understand why they aren't picking up."

"They might not be home right now." Robin says from her spot of the floor in the living room.

Max stands up and reaches for my hand."Robin's right, Jo. Come tell us what you saw."

I lean against the wall, a safe distance from everyone while I think back on what just happened. Max tries to steady my shaking hand.

"He took me to Hawkins Lab..." I took a deep breath. "And El was there. She was younger, way younger and Vecna wasn't Vecna....he was human."

I picked at my nails, refusing to look at their somber stares. Nance had already told them what she saw when he pulled her under as well. They told me that she wasn't under as long.

"Yeah. He told me he was sent there when he was a kid." Nance said.

"There were people, kids, murdered and laying in the hallway floors like... like it was nothing." I sniffled. "He killed them all... and he tried to kill her too. She looked so little and terrified, and I couldn't help her or anyone. He tied me up with vines, choking me and forcing me to watch."

"It was an old memory, babe. Eleven is safe in California with Joyce and the boys. He just wants to scare you." Steve reminds me, reaching for my other hand.

"I know, but.. but if.."

"Jo, she can protect herself. You don't need to worry about her right now. Keeping you and Max alive is our biggest priority right now." Dustin said and everyone nodded.

"I understand but I'm just sick of this cat and mouse game. If he wants me so bad, what is he waiting?"


"Don't say that!"

I stand up, looking at all of them. "Obviously, I don't want him too but El's not coming back so he might as well get this over with!"

The whole room was dead silent while I tried to keep it together.

"I appreciate all of your guys effort to try and stop Vecna but I just want to see my dad again." My voice cracks like a vase. "I can't do this without him here. Even before this stupid curse, he was the only thing holding me together all these years and now my shatter pieces can't find their way back to each other. I... I want to go home to him."

Before anyone could say anything else to me, I walked outside and sat on the steps. My chin rested on my knees, clutching them together. The screen door opened but I didn't bother to turn around, knowing already who it was.

I took a deep breath then mumbled,"Please, go back inside, Steve."

"I'm not Steve."


The boy takes a seat next to me on the steps, he hesitates before asking,"Can we talk?"

"Lucas, I really don't think-"

"About Max."

When I look over at him, noticing the ache in his voice. I nodded my head, figuring he just needs someone to talk to.

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