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"I swear if one more person asks me about that Madonna record, I am going to ask Eddie to hit me over the head with his guitar."

I ranted, walking into Scoops back room on my lunch break. Only to see Robin listening to a Russian tape recording. I squinted at her then asked,"What's that?"

The two of us sat on the window ceil while she filled me in on everything they know so far. Apparently Dustin overhead a secret Russian code and now they are playing detectives to solve it. Robin showed me the whiteboard with the words,

The week is long, The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly.

"Tread lightly?" She mumbled, picking up her book.

"Do you guys have any leads on what this could mean?" I asked, trying to puzzle it together.

"Not really. We just think that whatever is happening is going on within the mall." She answered with her straw in her mouth.

There was a knock on the back door. She jumped up through the window to answer, it was just a man with a delivery. I leaned forward to get a better look at the man. When he left, Robin followed him out into the hall for a second then shut the door.

"Silver cat!" She said, running back over to me.

"That guy?"

"His uniform. Come on!"

Robin yanks my arm and rushes me out of the shop with her. We passed Dustin and Steve along the way but I was too focused to care and apparently so was Robin. We suddenly halted after jumping on top of the seats in the middle of the mall.

"A trip to China sounds nice." She mumbled.

The two of us looked around frantically before I pointed to the right. "When blue meets yellow in the west."

Everything was making sense now.

"Guys! What are you doing?" Steve asked as the approached us.

"We cracked it." She smiles.

"Cracked what?" He asks again.

"The code. We cracked the code." I answered.

Minutes later, Dustin left to go investigate on the roof of the mall. The three of us went back to Scoops and waited.

"I can't believe you guys weren't going to tell me." I glared.

"We were going to once we figured it out." Robin smiled.

I rolled my eyes and sarcastically said,"Well, that's helpful."

Time went by again until Dustin runs through the door with Steve and Robin following. I take a seat on the table and watch as the boy paces around the room.

"The keycard unlocks the door but the Russian with the keycard also has a massive gun so..." Dustin drifted off in his explanation. "Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anyone to finding it."

"There's gotta be a way in." Robin said.

"Well, you know.." Steve leaned closer, I could faintly feel his breath on my thigh. "I could always just, take him out."

I let out the biggest laugh of my life, easily embarrassing Steve. Robin looked amused as she asked, "Take who out?"

"The Russian guard." He answered like it was obvious. "What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asks, also trying hard not to laugh.

"Yes, Dustin. I did. And that's why I would be sneaking."

EAT OR BE EATEN ✮ STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now