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Hi guys this is my 2nd most favorite song of tae with his deep husky voice.Hope you guys like it.The quality isn't that good cause he posted the song in insta.But I still love it.Hope you guys will further support me.

Tae:Aaah wtf I dont know which dress she will like so I'll take one from here and ask her.If she don't like it I'll buy another one for her.(Goes into y/n's room without knocking).

Y/n:Actually I was getting ready for the party.I went take a bath.Actually I forgot my bath robe so I went into the room tying myself in a towel.But when I went out taehyung came in aaaaaaaaaaaaah you pervert get out I shouted.

Tae:Yaah stob it I didn't came here to see you I just came here to give you this dress for the party.(gives her the bag).But my gaze went on her body which was covered with towel.I started stepping towards her until she hit the wall.And I trapped her between my arms.

Y/n:yaah what are you doing go out from my room now.

Tae:Did you like the dress babygirl?

Y/n:Actually I totally forgot about the dress until he reminded me.Then I took a look on it it was very beautiful. But I gave him my cold gaze and told him it was not bad.



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Tae:So go and change it I'll be waiting for you downstairs I said .Then I went to my room to get ready I wore a grey suit too to match my baby.After that I went downstairs sat on my couch waiting for y/n then I heard foot steps.



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Y/n:I quickly changed into the dress he gave me cause I didn't wear that much expensive dress even one time in my life.My step father rarely buys me one.I looked my self in the mirror added some light makeup and headed downstairs.

Tae:y/n was looking like an angel in the dress I gave her.But she looks kinda small in it she got shrugged in the dress but still looking cute.

Y/n:When I was coming down the stairs the dress stuck into my heels cause I was a little bit shorter and when I was above to fall I felt 2 muscular arms wrapping around my waist.And when I fell my zip went down I was so embarrassed.

Tae:I caught her before she fell down.I was drowned in her deep ocean eyes.Then she stood up after sometime.I noticed that her zip came off I turned her my side . I landed my head on her shoulder and I slowly started zipping her dress.

Y/n:My cheeks became red due to the situation.When his fingers touched my back I gasped and I got chills all over my body.When he zipped my dress I pushed him off a little.Then he held my hand and took me towards the car.We both sat in the car,the driver drove off to the party place.And we finally reached the place.First Tae got out, then he held my hand and I too got down.The place was soo beautiful I couldn't take my eyes of it.Finally we both entered the place.Suddenly a handsome man who was tall and muscular pulled Tae into a hug.

Kai:Hi Taehyungaaaah long time no see I missed you man.

Tae:Hi Kai I missed you too.By the way she is y/n my fiance.

Kai:Hello miss y/n nice to meet you.Youre looking so pretty.

Y/n:WTF! my jaw dropped when Tae said that.But I couldn't do anything except giving him a awkward smile and saying thankyou.

Then a beautiful girl comes beside Kai.

Kai:This Is my wife Ariana.

Ariana:Hi nice to meet you both.

Tae and y/n:Oh hi and congrats both of you.

Jimin:Yaah taehyung aaah so finally you're here come on man let's meet hyungs.

Kai:Yes man we will also come after welcoming some important guests.You should go in and meet hyungs.


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