Gleaming Weapons [22]

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"They're coming from the tunnels!" Zain cries out.

There's a gasp as eerie blue eyes move through the darkness ahead. Vim's face pales for a moment before he snaps out of it; He can't afford to be frightened.

"Tonn and Tir- Move back with me! Everyone else go back toward the camp!" Vim orders.

Vim's orders snap everyone out of their stupor, and the majority moves back toward where they had been sleeping and eating meals. The fire is ash at this point, but torches and glowing mushrooms provide enough light to see. Tonn and Tir both glare at the monsters' glowing eyes with their wooden spears in hand; Vim steps up beside them.

The quiet clacking of bone on rock is heard just before a gleaming spearhead buries itself into Tonn's shoulder. Vim's eyes widen as he sees the spear pierce his older friend, and without further hesitation he stabs his spear between two blue flames just a couple meters away. Bone cracks, and the blue eyes flicker out as the other four pairs move closer.

"Shit! Th' fucker got m' shoulder!" Tonn curses loudly.

Vim steps back as another spear shoots out from the darkness; Bony hands grip the shaft and Vim takes the opportunity to smash the thing's hands with the butt of his spear. The hand turns to dust, and with a clack the whole thing collapses rapidly.

"They're fragile!" Vim shouts.

There's a sudden crashing sound to their right, and Vim's eyes go wide as he sees a skeletal monster turning to dust while another falls down under the onslaught of Tir's spear stabs. The dark haired woman looks coldly down at the two soul seekers who came from a different tunnel.

Vim's attention spins around to face his two opponents, and he barely sidesteps a gleaming blade. Tonn's shoulder is bleeding profusely while the man uses his off hand to stab at the shadows. Vim sucks in a shallow breath before tossing his torch into the tunnel.

The two skeletons are illuminated fully now, and Vim uses this advantage to smash his spear into a soul seeker's leg; The thing falls to the ground, while Tonn barks angrily as he straight up tackles the other sword and shield carrying skeleton. The sight of the old man slamming the bony creature into the dirt is alarming, but thankfully Tonn suffers no injuries in the scuffle.

"I think that's all of them." Tir says flatly.

Vim turns to look at the lithe woman who is coming back from down the other tunnels. The others in the camp let out a relieved cheer as Vim sends Tonn and Tir to rest; Vim is pleased to see the gleaming weaponry those monsters carried didn't turn to dust. With three trips Vim manages to gather all of the weapons, and sets the out beside the camp.

"We've got two spears, four swords, and four shields." Vim announces.

"Can I have a shield and sword?" Lily asks curtly.

Vim gives her a narrow eyed look, but agrees nonetheless. Lif and Zain are given the spears while Tonn, Vim, and Tir are equipped with swords and shields alongside Lily. They all feel far more formidable like this, and practice swinging around their new shiny gear.


Gol's bicep bulges as he swings a nirnum sword into a tree's trunk; The heavy gleaming blade slices deep into the wood and Gol smirks before pulling the sword from his unfortunate practice dummy. Dar and Col are hefting barkless branches up onto the underwhelming fort beside the lake. The wooden construction leaves a lot to be desired, but it serves as a defensive advantage despite its poor craftsmanship.

There's a thwacking noise ringing out across the encampment as Tack stabs his nirnum spear into the trunk of a particularly thick tree. Sweat is dripping down Tack's bare back as he throws himself into his training like a maniac.

"You're still worked up over the fight, huh?" Cara says softly.

Tack doesn't stop his training as he stabs the same spot repeatedly while walking around the tree in a semi circle; The process is improving his accuracy and agility at the same time, yet he feels its not enough.

"I'm sick of feeling weak." Tack says stubbornly.

Cara shakes her head softly as she watches him wear himself out. She's carrying a sword of her own, while her shield rests by a tree nearby. She's got an apple in her other hand, and chews it noisily behind Tack.

"First it was those wolves, and now with these... monsters." Tack mumbles in frustration.

"Yeah, I get it. Kind of." Cara sighs nonchalantly.

Tack ignores her dismissive attitude, and switches things up by taking his hands off his spear, switching grips repeatedly as he tries to push his dexterity and agility further.

Cara's casual munching is detracting from the theatrics Tack is putting on; His little world of heroic efforts and personal growth is shattered when Cara kicks him in the shin out of nowhere.

"Ouch- What the hell was that for?!" Tack shouts.

"You're supposed to be helping me cook dinner!" She yells back.

There's an awkward moment of silence wherein Tack knows he's been caught procrastinating. Truthfully he's not that broken up about the whole weakness thing, but cooking fish is just a little gross sometimes.

"Sorry." Tack says awkwardly.

"Whatever." Cara replies curtly.

Cara walks toward the firepit, and Tack follows her soon after. The two of them start on dinner while Gol watches on from his spot in the encampment; He has a broad smile on his face as he turns back to continue his practice.

Gol's muscles bulge and his tendons tighten as he moves like a whirlwind; Raw power and physical prowess push his blade to cut the tree into shreds of bark and wood pulp. He withdraws, his chest heaving up and down from the exertion of such an attack.

There's a creaking noise which draw's everyone's attention toward Gol, and then a resounding cracking sound as the tree Gol has been attacking crashes to the ground. Gol takes a step back from the snag, and stabs his gleaming sword into the dirt. 

Gol turns to join Tack and Cara beside the fire; He's worked up an appetite, and some roasted fish sounds delicious right now. 

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