Ferns & Flames [14]

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Cara holds her breath as she pushes the lengthy tooth of a gar through a rubbery green leaf. She punctures a small hole into the leaf, and carefully pushes twine through it. She smirks in satisfaction as she manages to thread the twine into another leaf's hole; She's managed to bind two fern leaves together.

"Cara! Are you alright?" Gol shouts to her.

The sudden interruption causes her to nearly stab her own finger with the gar tooth, but she composes herself and avoids the inconvenience. Gol, Dar, and Tack all come jogging up with blood splattered onto them. They all look fine, but out of breath.

"I'm fine, but what about you?" Cara replies curiously.

The three of them all look at their own bodies before laughing awkwardly. They tell the story of their encounter with the wolves as well as Dar's miraculous recovery. Cara's eyes are wide by the end of the story, and she can't help but wonder how powerful their creator truly is.

Gol takes notice of Cara's project, and squats beside her to take a closer look. He rubs his chin slightly while contemplating her reason for making such a thing.

"What's this for?" Gol asks politely.

Cara smiles proudly before holding up the two broad leaves which have been loosely sewn together with twine.

"This! Is how I'm going to make clothes." Cara explains smugly.

She demonstrates the puncturing and threading process before showing them how she made the twine. They're all in awe of her patience after it becomes clear she spent hours creating and refining these materials.

They spent a while aiding her, and within the hour they've managed to create a crude leaf skirt. The skirt barely passes as clothing, but to the first human beings its a masterwork craft. Their motivation is bolstered; By sundown they're all wearing a variety of fern clothing.


The sun is setting on the horizon. Cain looks to his two comrades; There is an eerie silence in the air as they wait for the howl of a wolf to ruin their peaceful camp.

"Awooo!" Howls an unseen wolf.

Nim practically bursts into tears, and Cain's knuckles turn white as he clenches his fists. The pack hunters are close, and will quickly sniff out their location. They're completely exposed, and the cave is too far away to run to without being caught.

Cain is considering fighting the wolves himself when several pairs of yellow eyes appear around the fire. The darkness hides their bodies, but shining white teeth and reflective eyes are illuminated by the orange light of the fire.

"Back! Get away!" Cain shouts at the wolves.

Cain lifts a branch and swings, but the wolves don't move. He waits for one of them to make a move, yet nothing happens for several long moments. The three humans stand around their fire while staring at the wolves.

"Why aren't they attacking us..?" Nim whispers.

The wolves snarl and growl, yet don't move any closer as the fire crackles quietly. Cain's mind is a mess as he struggles to push away the desire for violence; He isn't sure why they don't attack, but he can't figure it out in this state of mind.

The fire crackles loudly as a branch breaks under the stress of the heat, and sparks fly upwards into the sky. The wolves all take a step back at the bright wave of heat.

"Are they... scared of the fire?" Col whispers doubtfully.

Cain's eyes widen as he lets out a chuckle. His hand is trembling as he reaches into the firepit, and pulls a burning branch out with a while smile on his face. His features are slightly twisted as he swings the blazing stick toward the wolves.

His reckless behavior earns him the whimpers of frightened wolves, and he lets his jaw drop in an unsettling display of ecstasy. The other two people take a step back from Cain as he loses himself in bloodlust.

"Yes! Haha! Yes!" Cain's voice cracks as he shouts.

Nim and Col look on with wide eyes as Cain lunges into the wolf pack. The blazing branch is smashed onto wolf heads and bodies over and over, until the stick breaks. He steps back to the flame only to bring out another blazing stick, and plunge back into the wolves' ranks.

"Q-Quick, put more wood in the fire!" Col sputters nervously.

The firepit is quickly being depleted through Cain's reckless actions, but the wolves are losing morale as they fail to strike back at the fire wielding human.

Embers float through the air as Cain's cackling breaks the night's quiet. Wolf corpses lay beside the edge of the fire as one man rampages against a startled group of so called woodland predators. The wolves ironically act like deer faced with headlights.

Eventually Cain's maniacal rampage is brought to an end when the wolves realize this is a losing situation, and retreat. The man's hazy vision clears as he finds no more wolves to fight. Both Col and Nim are staring at him with fear in their eyes.


"What is that fool doing all day, anyways?"

The eerie blue flames of soul braziers flicker in the darkness of the Soul Citadel's inner sanctum. The soul keeper is standing atop a raised platform while inspecting the quality of souls being collected. The soul keeper has no idea what God is up to, but it irritates him to be left out of the loop; Just some chit chat would be polite of God to offer.

"No no no. You've got the wolf souls mixed with the deer souls. Failure!" The soul keeper shouts.

The soul seeker hovering before the soul keeper bursts into blue flames before melting into ethereal blue dust. The dust is consumed by the soul keeper, and a new soul seeker is made to take the other's place.

"Go. Make sure you only put wolf souls there, and deer ones there." The soul keeper explains.

Crackling sounds and the moans of dying souls echo throughout the citadel as the soul keeper devours the wolf souls he snatched from the defective soul seeker.

"Well. If that weirdo doesn't say hello tomorrow, I'll look for him."

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