A New visitor (Scp 163 X Fairy tail guild)

Start from the beginning

The handprint around she formed made a yellow smeared circle print. She pokes it with her finger.

Gajeel on the far end left of the table kept a close eye on his girlfriend. She was intelligent but her curiosity could be a downfall.

The device she poked from her smothered print then formed a red. Was it some kind of thermo detector for body heat?

The curious event made her extremely touchy. She continues to touch more as several guild members remained watch while some ate some food wondering what will happen.

Several minutes passed, as if it felt a while something occured. A sound. A sound like a scratched noise of air passing through, chimes in Levy's ears and close in a two meter radius.

It gave a paranoid feeling, something unease that crept within everyone's ear. It felt like it wasn't just an object of detectable heat but something inside.

Levy backs away freightned by the sound that continued to invade. Natsu clamped his ears feeling flustered on what to do by everyone's confusion.

Without taking a word, His fists englufed in fire and with whatever it was it seemed to unsettle. Being a blockhead he was, he threw a punch at it engulfing the spot he landed on. The fire cackled momentarily before the whole shield turned green.

Gray: "You idiot, what are you doing?" The ice wizard grunted.

Natsu: "Something to shut it up." He replied.

Lucy: "I wonder why it changes color into whatever we touch it with?"

Levy unsure what else to do or how it made a sound or how it changed color was unclear. Somehow when she touched it, it traced her body heat not her own hand. Does this thing detect......elements it absorbs?

A loud zap cracked around the metallic shield, it changes color drastically. Natsu withdrew his fist as the shield started to spark uncontrollably changing color and throwing sparks before exploding into a large cloud of smoke.

Julia, fairy tails water wizard blew away the smoke to hear sounds of growing from within. Inside the puff of clouds something tall charged at her.

Her eyes widened siding away from whatever was coming, one thing she could tell....it wasn't a human or a object anymore.

The rest of the guild members waited to see the smoke to reveal the new being they came face to face with.

Their eyes followed instantly shot in a moment of shock and panic. Seeing what laid before them, A creature.

The creature was green and tall standing at a large height than an average adult, perhaps two meters. It has four arms, two small at the top and two large at the bottom. Its eight legs were three jointed and a single large compound eye was around the center of where a face should be to have a burrow on top of the head. It even had a mouth with several appendages to help with feeding.

The creature scanned it's new navigation seeing each mage staring cautiously wondering what there next move should be, but to several.....they were armed. The monster burrowed it's head giving somewhat a distressed expression.

It sprinted to a corner moving and smacking any object in its way as if they were discarded toys. It laid dormat seemingly skimmering in fear screeching in continued disbelief.

The mages stood their ground cornering the being. The alien creature beats its two heavy arms together, likely gesturing a warning to stay back.

Mirajane: "Oh my....." Mirajane spoke softly to herself. Her brother and sister pondered by what they say was something they couldn't elaborate on.

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