24. Feeling of Unease

Start from the beginning

"Wow, this looks amazing," I said, picking up a piece of fruit and taking a bite.

Carlos smiled. "I'm glad you like it. Most of the ingredients come from the island itself. We try to keep things as local as possible."

The mention of local ingredients caught my attention. "That's really great," I said, my curiosity piqued. I hesitated for a moment before deciding to take advantage of Carlos' vast knowledge. "Actually, I have some questions about the island and its people. You seem to know so much, and I'm curious to learn more."

Carlos' eyes sparkled with interest. "Of course, ask away. I'll do my best to answer."

I smiled, feeling grateful for his willingness to share his knowledge. Carlos Kingston was a walking encyclopedia, and his insights always left me spellbound.

I took a sip of my drink and gathered my thoughts. "I was trying to learn more about the island on my laptop earlier, but I couldn't find anything substantial. Do you know anything about the history of Sensua Island?"

Carlos leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. "Well, the island has been inhabited for centuries. The native people have a rich cultural heritage and traditions that they have preserved for generations."

"What about the people? I noticed some of them dress differently, and their language sounded unfamiliar."

Carlos nodded. "Ah, yes. The native people have their own language and unique customs. They have managed to preserve their way of life despite the influx of tourists and the development of the island. As for their dress, they have a traditional style that reflects their cultural heritage. It's quite fascinating, really."

"Do you think it's possible to meet some of these people? I would love to learn more about their culture and way of life."

Carlos smiled. "Absolutely. I can arrange for you to visit one of the nearby villages and meet some of the locals. They're always eager to share their traditions with outsiders. Just one small caveat..." He paused, causing me to temporarily stop eating. "...whatever happens, do not venture into the forest, even if the locals encourage you to do so."

Curiously, I tilted my head to the side and inquired, "Why? What's in the forest?"

Carlos' expression became guarded, and he shifted his attention to his plate. "Oh, it's nothing to worry about. I just don't want you to get lost," he chuckled, attempting to alleviate any concerns, before giving me a sly wink.

I raised my eyebrows at Carlos' response, feeling skeptical about his sudden change of demeanor. It seemed odd that he would warn me about the forest without providing a valid reason. Nevertheless, I decided not to push the issue and instead focused on finishing my meal.

Following lunch, Carlos headed out to oversee the development of some cottages located on the opposite end of the island, assuring me that he would take me there during his next visit.

Left alone, I took the opportunity to explore the villa. It was quite spacious, with high ceilings and an open floor plan that gave a sense of airy elegance. The decor was a tasteful blend of modern and traditional elements, with natural materials such as wood and stone dominating the space. I walked through the living room and into the kitchen, admiring the sleek appliances and the polished granite countertops.

As I was exploring the bedrooms, I heard a faint sound coming from outside. Curious, I followed the noise and stepped out onto the patio. From there, I could see the ocean in the distance and the lush greenery of the island all around me. The sound grew louder, and I realized it was coming from a small shed that was nestled in the foliage nearby.

Before heading out of the backdoor to see what the sound was about, I hesitated for brief second. What if it was some animal from the wild? What if I wasn't prepared to handle the danger that it might pose?

I brushed the back of my neck and headed for the kitchen instead. I had seen a few servants lingering around the kitchen while on my way to the back of the villa. But when I got there, there were only two of them left. One was scrubbing the plates while the other was cleaning the counter. When they both saw me coming, they shared a quick glance and smiled nervously at me.

For a moment, I couldn't help but feel like I had interrupted something. The air was thick with an unspoken tension that made me uncomfortable. But I pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on the reason I had come here. "Hi," I said, smiling at them both. "Did you guys hear that noise just now? It sounded like something fell."

They looked at each other again, their smiles faltering. "No, miss," the one washing dishes said hesitantly. "We didn't hear anything."

I furrowed my brow in confusion. It was strange that they hadn't heard it. The sound had been loud enough to make me come all the way here. But before I could say anything else, they both suddenly jumped into action, grabbing their things and quickly making their way out of the kitchen.

I watched them go, a feeling of unease settling in the pit of my stomach.

Something was definitely off.

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