Ingat- 19

190 18 12

"Kadangkala Kahar benci ayah,
kenapa Ayah tak pernah nak faham Kahar,". -Abdul Kahar



The pair charged at each other, the cheers were deafening but to them, only the other existed.

Kahar striked directly to Fahmi's chest, making the other cough in pain but soon recovered from it.

Fahmi kicked Kahar's shin, making him fall and leave himself to his disadvantage.

Before Fahmi's leg could hit the side of his stomach, Kahar managed to block it in time and twist the leg.

Fahmi's scream of pain left goosebumps on everyone.

"Sial!" Fahmi cursed before kicking Kahar out of reflex.

Unfortunately, the kick hit Kahar's jaw making the crowd boo to Fahmi who glanced at Kahar in guilt.

"Weh Kahar, kau okay ak?" He asked worriedly as the other panted, kneeling on the grounded, his back turned on him.

Kahar stood up slowly and turned around with his eyes closed.

When he opened his eyes, Fahmi was slightly frightened by the vicious glint in Kahar's eyes.

Kahar gave him a sinister grin and put his fists up, ready to fight again.

"Penalti kepada Fahmi, Kahar kau serang dulu," Qayyum said sternly.

Immediately, without waiting for a reaction from Fahmi, Kahar gave a roundhouse kick to Fahmi who shouted in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Bangun lah bodoh!" Kahar shouted, his tone was full of anger and impatience.

Fahmi stood up quickly and managed blocked Kahar punches to his stomach.

"Ah! Sial!" Fahmi shouted before kicking Kahar's stomach.

The others winced in pain when Kahar coughed up some blood, even Fahmi did.

"Kenapa berhenti sial?" Kahar asked, glaring at Fahmi who blanched at the sudden statement.

Fahmi gulped.

Ni bukan Kahar.

Kahar kneeled down slowly, he glanced at Fahmi with a smirk before wiping Fahmi off his feet.

Immediately, he twisted Fahmi's shoulder, leaving the man screaming in pain.

"AHHH! SIAL! AHH SAKIT!" Fahmi screamed in pain when Kahar twisted his arm even further.

"Fahmi tap Fahmi! Tap Fahmi!" Zahrin shouted in worry.

With all his might, Fahmi tapped the floor mat loudly.

The pain stopped almost immediately and his shoulder ached as if a truck ran over it.

"Fahmi, okay?" Qayyum asked, glancing at Kahar who was catching his breath.

Fahmi nodded tiredly, he was still lying on the ground in absolute exhaustion.

"Kemenangan berpihak kepada Abdul Kahar dari rumah Kasturi!!" Qayyum announced once things quieted down but not for long.

Kahar smirked proudly when the cheers congratulated him.


Kahar woke up with a start from his sleep.

Weird dream...

"Aduh..." A hiss of pain caught his attention.

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