Cinta- 15

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Kahar huffed in frustration as the WORLD'S MOST BROKEN ENGLISH TEACHER, teach his class ADDMATH.

"Okay class, so you don't have to do this 2 times, you must have do this only one okay? One time! Don't forget forget okay?" The teacher said as the students stared at her blankly.

"Parah... Parah... Habis sudoh aku, memang mampuy denge addmath ni.." Kahar muttered behind his palm as Hakeem stared at his worksheet, depressive.

"Kahar! Come front, come here. Try finish this question, then you can go eat for rest," The teacher suddenly called on him.


Kahar screamed mentally as he walked to the front with a cool expression.

He took the chalk and started to solve the question, he tried to remember how Mia had taught him on how to solve this question.

"Done teacher," He said after 5 minutes.

"Hmm, okay, you is correct, good good!" The teacher said with a smile which he returned with a respectful one.

"Alright class, you may go for rest. Have a good day and goodbye," The teacher said flashing them a smile.

Honestly, Kahar couldn't hate his teacher because she's always so... Friendly.

"Mampus aku weh, memang mampus," He heard Hakeem mutter over and over again.

"Weh dah ah Keem, relax ah, kau gi makan dulu... Nanti aku ajar kau," Kahar said with a smirk.


Kahar nodded.

"Kau memang terbaik doh! Okay okay, jom gi makan," Hakeem answered with a big smile on his face.

"Kau pergi ah, aku... Takde selera ah," Kahar said.

"Lagi? Takde selera lagi? Kau okay ke tak ni Kahar? Dari dinner semalam kau tak makan, breakfast ngan minum pagi kau skip... Tak sihat, kau ada apa-apa problem ke?" Hakeem asked out of worry.

"Tak, aku okay je.. Jangan risau lah eh? Aku makan nanti, tak mampus pun," Kahar chuckled, giving Hakeem a reassuring smirk.

"Hm... Yelah, tapi dinner malam ni kau kene makan tau, kalau tak aku bagitahu Mia," Hakeem threatened.

Kahar nodded in agreement.


Kahar walked through the empty hallway leading to a specific room.

Studio Kudrat

The sign wrote.

He heaved a sigh, it's so tiring nowadays but honestly?

He doesn't know what he's feeling. He feels empty but... He feels happy, sad, angry and depressive from time to time too.

'Kau dah gila ni,'.

The voice at the back of his mind whispered.

'Mana ada aku gila, aku penat jelah,'.

He answered, yes he's used to the voice. Call him crazy or anything, but the voice has been with him his whole life.

'Kau nak cakap aku tipu?'

'Tak, aku cakap kau salah,'.

Kahar answered sternly.

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