Rantai- 18

198 19 11

He stared at the red and green sticker on the notice board.

Tonight was his manifesto with Fahmi.

'Jangan ambil alih,'.

He said mentally to Asyar.

'Tak janji,'.

He sighed, boleh lah, he thought.

"Weh Kahar!" Fahmi called, jogging over to him.

"Apa?" Kahar answered.

"Good luck malam ni, no hard feelings eh? Kau mesti jadi kapla yang baik," Fahmi said, giving him a smile.

"Eh, tak semestinya aku menang, kau pun power fight. Habis lunyai aku tengok Khairul hari tu," Kahar complimented, shoving Fahmi's shoulder softly.

"Aku memang power, tapi tak se power kau. Yelah, aku ni bukan juara silat, aku tak pergi lawan taruh kat gym malam sebulan sekali," Fahmi scoffed, narrowing his eyes at Kahar who chuckled sheepishly.

"Aku mana boleh bersilat dekat manifesto, kang makan diri," Kahar argued.

"Kenapa lak?"

"Dah nama pun ilmu mempertahankan diri, aku gaduh ni cari gaduh, jadi salahlah niat dia," Kahar explained.

"Ohhh, patut lah... Ni, kau ada apa-apa pertandingan ke lepas ni?" Fahmi asked.

"Aku ada kejohanan silat peringkat negeri minggu depan, Selangor lawan Melaka," Kahar said.

"Power siot," Fahmi said, chuckling when Kahar playfully shoved him.

"Ready ah malam ni, kasi lunyai kau," Kahar said, grinning viciously.

"Cakap orang, tibe kene kat kau. Habis lah kau malam ni," Fahmi said, smirking.

They shared a good chuckle together before each went their own way.

Kahar walked past the Silat Centre in Kudrat and saw some of the lower forms practicing.

He smirked as a memory came to mind.


Kahar's mouth opened in pain as he fell to the ground back first.

"Kamu kalah," His Tok Ki said, smirking at him.

Kahar sighed tiredly and gave him a small smile.

"Sudoh lah tu Tok nye, kesieh cucu kito tu, meh sini make goreng pisang," His Tok Wan called from the door, a tray of pisang goreng and tea in her hands.

"Mari adik, kare bising Tok we mu," Tok Ki chuckled, smirking teasingly at Tok Wan's glare.

Kahar gave a soundless chuckle and followed his grandfather to the stairs.

His father was outstation due to some work matter so in the mean time, he'll be staying with his grandparents.

Not that he's complaining.

"Pandai Kahar, belajar silat doh nok sampai peringkat akhir, baru 11 tahung," His ToK Wan said, smiling softly at him.

His Tok Wan's family is from Terengganu, though Tok Wan followed Tok Ki move to Kelantan to build their own family there.

Then they had his father, Abu Yamin, Mak Ngah Kiah or Rokiah and lastly his Ayah Su or Harith Rahman.

"Menung jauh gapo adik? Ingat ke kece ke tu?" His grandfather teased, making Kahar flush red.

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