Chapter one - Kokichi?

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Where am I?

This question had echoed through Kokichi's head for a couple minutes now.

It was strange to wake up somewhere he had never seen before. He could make out the sky above him, and the large landscape of grass that seemed to go on forever...but that was all he could gather. The sound of the same grass brushing against his skin and the quiet wind was all he could hear.

...He had never felt this calm before though.

So, he closed his eyes again, letting the feeling wash over him.

He liked the calm feeling, so he decided that here was where he was going to stay, at least for now.

Kokichi wasn't a big fan of the nightmare he had experienced before waking up here either, so this was a nice change of pace.

He had almost forgot the nightmare by now, only remembering there being a bear, a big school and a small group of teens, him being part of that group. He remembers his breath hitching at the bear's suggestion of a game.

What kind of game? That was lost on him.

Who were the kids? The exact same thing.

He didn't like the uneasy feeling building in his chest, so he decided to forget it. It was just a nightmare, so what was the point?

He sat in the calm for a while, focusing and eventually sinking his breath with the wind. It felt like hours laying there, but it was probably only minutes.

"...Kokichi? Are you awake?"

Whelp. There goes the calm.


He stifled a scream, instead opting to skrew his eyes further shut then they already were.

Nope. Nu-uh. Not happening.

"Look, man, if your awake can you please just say it? Please?"

The voice felt very close against him. It was low, rough, and sounded a little tired. But through all of it, Kokichi could tell that this voice was...sad wasn't the word. More like, exhausted. Almost as if this wasn't the first time the voice had asked him this question.


He carefully opened his eyes, squinting at the sun. He turned to the person.

It was a boy, with a...strong build. He had messy purple hair and a goatee to match. He was hunched over Kokichi, but quickly backed up a little when he opened his eyes.

But the most noticeable thing about the boy, was the few tears that rolled down his face.

"You...You're awake? Oh my god—I thought..."

The boy looked... familiar.

Cautiously, he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, sitting himself up in the process. He didn't hesitate before pulling kokichi into a tight hug. The boy wiped away his tears with the back of his hand.

Kokichi couldn't help but find it a little strange the boy knew his name, but then again, he had a feeling he was just...out of it today. So it was worth asking.

"...okay do I like, know you?"

The boy stiffened a little in his arms.

"What you mean 'do I know you?'"

"I mean, have I like... met you before now? Because this is kinda strange from a guy I don't think I know..."

This time, the boy pulled away from the hug, and looked at him with incredulous eyes.

"Man, you can stop lying y'know."

This time, Kokichi gave him his own look.

"I- you seriously don't remember?" The boy's eyes widened. "The killing game? Monokuma?"


The nightmare.

"I'm Kaito? Luminary of the stars! Come on Kokichi you have to remember that?"

And he sort of does. He remembers introducing himself to him.

He remembers the class trying to escape the school, going through pipes underground. He remembers the boy sticking up for the blonde chick who just wouldn't shut up about it.

He remembers the boy running in with him to the library. He remembers the horror that flashed on the boy's face.

Then nothing.


Uh, first chapter jumpscare :0
I will be updating this fic, not sure how often but I will! Thank you!

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