happy accident

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The sound of the alarm she had set the night before was echoing through her house barely managing  to wake her up. She groaned and searched for the phone to turn it off and after struggling to find it because she refused to open her eyes she finally did and  looked at the time. Turns out it was one of the many alarms she had set and if she wasted another second right now she will be late.
"Oh no miss.julie is going to kill me." She said to herself as she stood up and ran towards the bathroom. She hurriedly went through her morning routine. She put food in mochi's bowl and pet his head . Mochi was a stray that she had grown fond of and adopted after she found him under her mail box as a kitten trying to stay dry in the rain.
Mochi followed her to the enterenc door in the living room of their wooden house. "I'll be back soon mochi be a good boy alright " . She said as she hurriedly put on her shoes and ran from her front door to the small metal door that was installed with the fence that surrounded her fairly decent garden. But because she was in a hurry she didnt notice her surroundings very well and she bumper into someone.
She fell on the pavement and was about to cuss the other person out because the contents of her bag were spilled everywhere but then she saw that their groceries that they were most likely going back home with were spilled on the ground along with their glasses that were now cracked. Her anger died after she looked at the scene and she felt guilty . " Oh my God I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you " she said as she collected the spilled oranges and started putting them back in their bag. The stranger too bent down and started helping joy collect the stuff on the ground to put them in their respective bags . " It's alright miss you seemed to be in a hurry it happens sometimes" the stranger said .
They no he had the smoothest voice joy had ever heard. She and the man grabbed her handkerchief at the same time and She looked up and saw that his hair was brown and fluffy and the morning sun made it look like he had a halo over his head. He was wearing a blue jacket over a white t-shirt and baggy blue jeans he had a sharp jawline and brown eyes. They both made eye contact but immediately looked away. Joy retreated her hands and the man handed her the handkerchief. He then stood up and He put his hand forward but joy stood up on her own.
"I am extremely sorry about your groceries and your glasses I can pay you back right now just give me a sec". She said. " Oh no it's totally fine don't stress about it " the stranger said and smiled at her. He is so handsome and nice joy caught herself thinking and just prayed her face didnt express what  her thoughts were . " Oh are you sure ?..it was my fault after all". Joy asked again . "It's fine". He insisted.
"You looked like you were in a hurry"he said " it's my boss at my  job here y'know how it is with them"
She was smiling as she answered his question and they both laughed lightly. " Well I better get going before she comes here to hunt me down" joy said and started walking away. "Wait miss" the man said" what's your name " he asked " that you will find out if we meet again see you around" she said and started walking again.
The man stood there watching her and suddenly he wanted to start going out more just so he could see her once again.
This was the begining of a new chapter in their life one that every human that wishes to love hoped for.
Author's note :
Hello !! this is AZ thank you for giving my book a chance I hope you liked this chapter feel free to give constructive criticism and express your opinion on the comments but oks be kind it's my first time writing something like a book. I will try to update this book weekl😊😊😺.

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