17 | Total Bliss

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"How did Landon feel about you leaving early today?" Kook asked.

"He had no problem. We're done. He tried to push me to do shoots that are scheduled for next week. I just said no. I don't see how full-time models do this."

"Well, it's busy now because you're just getting started. I've told you before that the hours for our models are long. But after shooting or doing shows, they usually get a few days off."

"I'm not happy I dropped out of school for this semester, but I'm good with all the extra time I've had to work as a model and working with Yoongi."

"I hate you dropped out but I'd be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed you."

"I've enjoyed you too, Jungkook."

"Taehyung, I think you've been holding something back from me, though."

Oh shit.

"Like what?" He asked as he poured Kook some more wine and took a swig of his beer.

"You didn't tell me how Jennie took your talk with her."

Oh, that.

"She seemed to get a little salty. But it was Landon who was mad. He thought the talk I had with her would mess with our chemistry." He used air quote fingers when he said the word chemistry.

"Oh too bad for her," Jungkook said sarcastically. "So what did you say to her?"

"I basically told her that I appreciate her professionalism moving forward. No touching if it's not necessary and especially outside of shooting. And I asked her not to post pics of me on social media or tag me without my prior approval. Landon hated that last part."

"Yeah. I bet he did."

"Jungkook, I'm not sure this modeling stuff is for me. I mean Landon says that after this weekend's event, I'll be getting runway requests from designers, as well as brands wanting to hire me for shoots. And he said even if I didn't receive much interest, he would solicit for me anyway. I'd be really busy. I'm just not used to this. My mom and my sister want me to stick to it. They were shocked that I signed the contract, but I think they believe I may somehow get rich. But, I could care less about the money. I may quit."

"It seems you're stuck on doing something else for a living. Like your filming, perhaps? Oh! You could become a cop or detective. You're great at solving crime and it's always been your dream."

"Yeah, I guess I could. If I don't continue to give the modeling a try."

"Well, give yourself some time. Maybe after the event you'll have a better idea of what you can handle. You're so good at modeling, though. I can't wait to see your concept shoots that you've done- those that haven't made it to social media yet or teased by Landon. Are you nervous?"

"No not nervous exactly. But I'm concerned about all the unknowns." He opened another beer. "Are you nervous about me meeting your friends?"

"A little. I'm scared because what if I introduce you to them and then we break things off? It would be awkward and embarrassing," Kook admitted.

"So you've been having more thoughts about getting rid of me?" Tae asked smiling.

"No. I'm just—-"

"You're just being Jungkook. Worried that you can't trust me to stay. Worried that I'll reject you. I mean what I say when I promised to never leave you. I know this-whatever we have is unconventional but it feels like a relationship to me. I'll only leave if you push me away."

"Maybe that's what I'm afraid of. I'm good at pushing people away." He sighed, feeling his buzz.

"It shows your growth that you're able to admit that. I've helped you to stop pushing me away and you've helped me with my possessive issues. I think we are both growing."

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