[4] - Origins: Ladybug

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Chloé Bourgeois.

The daughter of the mayor of Paris, and one of- if not the richest student in the entire class. Maybe even the entire school. The mere sight of her was enough to strike fear into the hearts of anyone who dared laid their eyes on her or breathe in her direction without her permission.

When Chloé noticed Marinettes presence, her usual smirk of self-obsession faded to a scowl of pure disgust. She smoothly arose from her seat at her desk and approached the ravenette with a toxic glare. "Dupain-Cheng. I thought I told Daddy to kick you out of class this year?" She seethed through her teeth, poking a finger at Marinette's chest roughly. Marinette, however, was used to Chloé's usual attitude and just rolled her eyes with a tiny groan.

"You know you can't just kick me out of school, Chloé. We've had this same routine for the last two years." Marinette huffed at the stuck-up blonde before her, trying not to show any weakness in front of her. Not this year.

Chloé simply stuck her tongue out with a small stamp of her foot like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. "Fine. I'll just make sure to make this year absolute torture for you, then." She flipped her ponytail to slap Marinette in the face with it as she stormed off back to her desk and back next to the obedient redhead.

Marinette sighed in defeat and slumped her shoulders slightly, going to sit down at an empty seat far away from Chloé. "Good to know." She mumbled quietly under her breath with irritation and slight sorrow. She tried to not even sit close to Chloé so Marinette could lower her chances of torment by her hand by the tiniest margin. Instead, she headed to a free seat in the second row, farthest away from Chloé that was free. And that seat was the neighboring seat next to Alya.

Alya shot Chloé a dirty look from afar when Marinette sat down then shifted her focus to the clearly distressed ravenette beside her. "Are you okay, girl? I know Chloé can be difficult but I didn't know she was out to get you." She put her hand on Marinettes shoulder and leaned her head down a bit to try to look her in the eye. Marinette merely groaned and started running her fingers mindlessly over the intricate printing of the macaron box in front of her.

"It's fine. She says that to me every year. It's nothing new. The most she does is trip me every once in a while." Marinette chuckled dryly while adjusting her pigtails. "Sometimes makes fun of me for not having many friends." She added last second extra quietly.

Alya instantly felt pretty bad. She had class with Chloé last year and she could've been compared to a literal terrorist. She even got Nino suspended for an entire month all cuz he accidentally stepped on her foot during lunch time. So she could understand where Marinette was coming from. Imagine dealing with that girl for literal years. Alya could never even begin to picture it without shuddering.

"Hey. It'll be alright. At least you have one friend to help you deal with her this year." Alya smiled, putting a reassuring hand on Marinette's shoulder. Marinette slowly turned her head to face the brunette, a small smile creeping onto her face. A smile that said: 'That works perfectly.' Marinette was pretty happy to finally have a friend who wouldn't flake out on her whenever Chloé was around.

"Yeah...Thanks, Alya."

Exhausted from the school day, Marinette lumbered up to the living room after greeting her parents at the bakery entrance. "Hey Mom, hey Dad." She waved with a tired expression. Due to the bakery not closing for another couple hours, Tom and Sabine just waved back to her as she headed upstairs. Finally home, she tossed her bag onto the floor by the front door and slipped her pink flats off as well. She just couldn't wait to change out of her pink jeans and back into her pajama pants.

It Started From Scratch [Marichat]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon