[2] - Origins: Chat Noir

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"The hell was that?!" Adrien gasped in terror when a high-pitched and raspy voice suddenly spoke behind his back. He turned around, fell onto the ground and hitting his head on the leg of the foosball table, and his eyes widened in horror when he saw a small black...creature thing floating in the air with bright green cat eyes and black cat ears.

The thing raised its nub of an arm up to introduce itself as the one who spoke. "I did. I'm your kwa-" The creature was cut off by a huge yawn. Adrien's face distorted with terrified confusion the more the black thing spoke. His head tilted as he tried to look at the creature further while also keeping a safer distance.

The supernatural black cat finished yawning his interrupting yawn and put its stubs in place of arms over its tiny tummy. "I'm your new kwami. Names Plagg. Now that that's outta the way, you got any food around here?"

"Uh- Wait a minute here. Hold on. What's a 'kwami'? And where did you come from?" Adrien tried to pry the creature named Plagg for answers but failing to do so in the process.

"Gimme some food and I'll answer all your questions. Preferably an aged cheese." Plagg said greedily, glaring at Adrien. With creased brows; and the fear to go along with the creatures demands in case he would eat him if he wasn't satisfied, Adrien slowly stood up with stiff muscles and snuck into the kitchen in the mansion to see if he had any cheese at all.

When Adrien came back, he looked pretty disgusted with the cheese that the "kwami" settled for. "Camembert. Of all things, you had to choose camembert?"

Now watching the gluttonous creature devour an entire cheese wheel on the table that, somehow, Adrien was able to steal out of the kitchen, Adrien groaned and started breathing out of his mouth. "Ugh...Now I'm gonna smell like feet. These clothes definitely need to be washed now." He complained while sniffing his shirt to see if the stench of camembert possibly soaked into it.

"Hey! The stinkier the cheese, the better the taste. That's just science." Plagg shot another death glare towards Adrien, clearly offended by all his "insults" towards his meal. Adrien raised his hands in defeat and sighed a scoff. "Okay fine. Whatever you say. But now, can't you answer my questions? Like what you are and why you're here?"

Adrien looked at Plagg again, still devouring the cheese, then went to plug his nose with a grimace. "And why you like cheese that smells so bad?"

Plagg ignored Adrien temporarily, letting himself finish his smelly snack before answering any of the blondes questions. He tried not to be mean to him after all the comments he made on the camembert, and instead just finished off his cheese and let out a high-pitched burp. He patted his full stomach and sighed with contentment. "Ahh... That's better. Now what was it you were saying...kid?" Plagg motioned his nub of an arm, silently asking for Adrien's name. Adrien just sighed and rolled his eyes with slight irritation.

"I was asking what the hell you're supposed to be, what you're doing here, and how you managed to come out of this thing." He held his hand up and pointed to the silver ring that was still on his finger with a slight scowl. Plagg rolled his eyes and hovered really close to Adriens face, making him recline back slightly.

"No need for the attitude! Listen, like I said before, I'm a kwami. A kwami grants you magical powers and whatnot...and your power is the power of destruction."

Adrien's eyes widened and his lips parted into a surprised O shape. "Magical powers...?"

"Yep. And all you gotta do is say 'Plagg, claws out' and they'll activate. Does that answer all your questions?" Plagg explained with irritation and faking exhaustion with his lazy limbs. Adrien looked down at the ring again and, to question to make sure he had the quote right, said: "Plagg, claws out?"

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