[5] - Akumas

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Now that he had left Ladybug in the street, Chat Noir kept his bright green cat eyes squinted in search of the source of the smoke. Its gray dusty carbon-dioxide was already starting to cloud up the air, almost taking away Chat's ability to breathe instantly. It forced him to stop using his baton upon the discovery that he could create a gas mask out of it.

Once he got it attached to his mouth, a sudden gust of wind punched him forcefully in the stomach and pushed him off the rooftop he was on and right into Ladybug who had just barely gotten herself into the air. 



The two crashed into each other with pained groans and rolled onto the concrete, knocking the wind out of both of them and making them shiver a little bit. Ladybug whined quietly in her struggle to stand up after not being able to breathe properly from the smoke affecting her lungs. Chat managed to recover himself sooner and scrambled over to hoist Ladybug onto her feet.

"Here ya go. Sorry I crashed into you." He laughed sheepishly while assisting in quickly dusting her suit off from the impact. Ladybug groaned to herself and shook her head at his apology, trying not to appear too upset with him over an accident. "It's fine. I just...can't really breathe with all that smoke in the air." She almost panted, showing clear signs of not being able to catch her breath like she was able to before.

In a lightbulb moment for Chat, his velvet cat ears perked up and he pointed to Ladybugs yoyo that was hanging loosely from her finger. "M'Lady, try your yoyo. Maybe if it works the same like my staff, you can make a breathing-thing for yourself."

Ladybugs eyebrows visibly rose from underneath her spandex mask, obviously skeptical about Chat's "revelation" that he knew for certain that she had a solution to her breathing problems. But, when she did see that he had surely made a gas mask for himself out of his baton, she took the chance and went to fiddle with her yoyo.

"Chat Noir, I don't think this thing even does anything-"

Not knowing how she did it, Ladybug gasped in surprise when her yoyo split in half to reveal a little pocket for her nose and mouth to fit in, allowing her to breathe oxygen without any struggle. The magic from the suit clearly didn't just come with invulnerability or a shiny costume. She knew that now, which definitely left her with a bunch of questions for her kwami once all this was over.

Chat smirked and crossed his arms, a proud expression on his face and a little cocky smile visible from under his baton attached to his mouth as he narrowed his eyes at his bug-themed partner. "Told you."

Ladybug rolled her eyes and attached her yoyo-gas mask to her mouth, the magic keeping it there without a restraint, and huffed through it to make sure it worked. "Save it, kitty cat."

Now that they were back on their feet, the two heroes climbed up the walls of the same building that Chat Noir had been knocked off of previously, using their arms to shield themselves from the strong winds that was coming along with the smoke. The two narrowed their eyes, looking closely as the smoke in the air had shifted into the shape of a demented but still-standing twister with a mind of its own.

"What is that thing??" Ladybug shouted nervously to Chat through the gusts of loud wind that was blowing in their eardrums and whipping their hair in and out of their faces. Chat's immediately gaze went between her and the twister that started picking up its pace, seemingly just as clueless as the bug was in this scenario. Part of him wanted to run away to safety and hope this problem would solve itself on its own. But the other, more dominant part of him, told him that he and the ravenette needed to figure out a solution and figure it out quick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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