Chapter 4.5: Divinity of the OverSighters

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I would address them, saying, "Mitch Cass and Mary Cass, please elaborate on how the skills of Smooth Speech and Ventriloquism would benefit these children, who are still in the process of discovering their inclinations and aspirations. Could these skills aid them in finding their passions? Moreover, do all nobles in this realm possess such abilities? I can conduct a comprehensive analysis of every noble in the land to ascertain statistical data. Remember, these children are Jan's sons, under my guardianship. I am genuinely curious to hear your insights." With a demeanor reminiscent of a courtly, coy red ant flying pixie, seemingly suspended in mid-air with both arms propped under my chin in eager anticipation, I watched their reaction, which suddenly shifted to fear and anxiety, evidenced by slight perspiration forming. Despite my outward smile, they sensed my underlying anger. I maintained a facade of approachability for Jan's sons, aiming not to create a negative initial impression.

Instantly, they would kneel, prompting the two sons to begin their descent, but I would interject hastily, "You two don't ever kneel to me."

The twins would start to rise, and I would carefully clarify, "That wasn't directed towards you two, Mitch and Mary. I was addressing the two princes among us. Who are you to assume you're entitled enough to dare arise?"

Questioning with visible command of superiority, I observed as Mitch and Mary maintained their nonchalant demeanor, displaying no emotion as true nobility would. Yet, despite their composed facade, I could sense their growing aversion towards me. "Mitch and Mary, I shall speak with you later. Our past is convoluted, but there will be clarity in our communication. You will come to understand your standing with me, from the beginning to now. If you dare to influence Jan's sons again without my consent, I promise you this, as the guardian of Frust and, more importantly, as the oversee of these two princes who are essentially my nephews: the name Cass will cease to exist. Farewell." Turning my attention to the two princes, I commanded, "You two, go to your maids or caretakers. Vanis, Digher, always ensure there is an adult present. Disobey this, and I will...remove certain skills from each of you. Now, go!"

"Yes, Aed!" Digher, the older son, would affirm, swiftly taking hold of his younger brother's hand, leading him away to the caretakers. Meanwhile, I would soar back to Nih, leaving the two twins kneeling in a mixture of fear and anger towards me. I would address their feelings later, after dealing with Clent, who was next on my list. Perched upon Nih's shoulder as he walked quietly, indifferent to the commotion below, it was evident he wasn't particularly skilled with handling children.

During our walks, interruptions with small talk and greetings were common, and upon entering the massive room, we found no one present. When we asked the maids about the whereabouts of the two individuals, they mentioned that they had gone shopping and sightseeing, and were expected to return around nightfall.

I requested to be left alone here, as I needed to meet them without any assistance either way. Nih smiled and left the maids to attend to my needs. The rest of the time was spent exploring the indoor house of the most beautiful quality, with the maids eagerly trying to connect with me and earn some sort of favor.

As night fell, I sensed the two walking in joyfully together, seemingly ignoring me. I stared at them as they finally acknowledged my presence after dropping off their extensive shopping list of items. The witch addressed me, saying, "You must be the 'divine beast,' Aed?"

"You didn't have to emphasize the word 'divine' like that. Whether you believe me to be one or not, we have matters to address," I replied to her as I motioned for the maids to leave. However, Clent gestured and countered, saying, "You servants, stay. Y'all don't need to leave."

I sighed as he glared at them; instantly, the witch knew. Before she could prepare to counteract my action, I had transported the three of us instantly to a location I had been before—the first place on this world where I had arrived consciousness.

I was Reincarnated as an Ant! Vol.2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang