Chapter 25

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Chapa blinked rapidly, unsure of what to say.

Everyone stared at her.

No one expected it to be the new girl. The girl with whom Bose always seems to go head to head.

Chapa looked up. "Uh, no, no." She said, awkwardly. "There must be some mistake." She said. She narrowed her eyes at Sinjin. "Get. It. Off. Me." She spoke through her teeth, not wanting to cause a scene but desperately wanting the spotlight off her at once. She felt like she was being put under...well, the spotlight!

Sinjin, of course, being one of the many students who had grown to fear this new girl. Nodded in obedience at once, meaning to take the spotlight off her and put it on someone else but Cori stopped him.

"No, Sinjin." She said, her eyes narrowing at Chapa like this is what she'd been waiting for. "Keep the light on her."

Chapa gulped. What on earth is happening right now?

"What's the matter, Chapa?" Cori said. "Don't tell me you're afraid." She laughed and Chapa thought that was rather scornful. What's her beef?

Mummers went around again. The new badass girl? Afraid? Unthinkable.

Bose looked, annoyed at Cori on the stage, he walked towards it and called. "Cori, cut it out." He said. "Leave her alone. Can't you see she's uncomfortable?"

Now everyone started murmuring about this as well.


"I thought they hated each other?"

"He seems really mad right now. Yikes."

"Do you think he likes her?"


"Maybe they've been secretly dating this whole time!"

Chapa heard a few of these murmers and literally threw up in her mouth. Dating Bose O'Brien?! She'd rather lick the bathroom floor. And is convinced Bose rather would too.

Cori flushed red in embarrassment at Bose defending Chapa and publicly telling her off like that. "W-why?" She stubbornly said, swallowing the humiliation. "She's a member of this school too!"

Mika and Millie looked at each other in worry. They wanted to believe everything was fine and it was just friendly teasing between schoolmates like in all schools but both felt very anxious.

"Cori, I mean it!" Bose scolded.

Mace, Joey and Aaron got worried and seriously considered calming him down immediately.

But they believed Cori deserved a lesson too. Such a deceptive, cunning little brat!

Cori's jealousy wouldn't let her back down (though she was a little afraid). She wanted nothing more than to publicly humiliate Chapa right there no matter what and Bose wasn't stopping her.

Next thing they knew, Owen was yelling, "Chapa! Look out!"


While Bose had been busy telling off Cori, Owen had noticed strange movements up around where Sinjin was standing and was shocked when he recognized one of his teammates aiming a bucket of what looked like paint directly above Chapa's head. He'd furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Was that Nick? What the heck did he think he was doing?

Not wasting a second, he'd dashed up to reach him and even almost knocked poor Sinjin down in his bid to get to Nick before he carried out his horrible deed.

Owen was mad and disgusted and had been struggling with Nick with that bucket for a good number of seconds before it had tipped over and released it's content down towards the girl under the spotlight and that was when he yelled for her to look out.

Chapa looked up at the direction of the voice and froze when blue paint came all over her from out of no where.

Chapa gasped, and stayed rooted to the spot as all of the buckets content trickled down her hair to her face and dress.

Everyone gasped.

Bose's eyes widened in horror. His next instinct was to run to her but he immediately stopped himself. What an I doing? It's not like I'm friends with her. His body betrayed him though and he took steps towards her before Joey grabbed him and dragged him back.

"Chapa!" Mika and Millie yelled, rushing over to her.

Chapa couldn't speak, too shocked at what had just happened. Her first dance at her new school was certainly going to be memorable indeed.

But not the type of memorable Chapa wanted.

Cori smirked in satisfaction and victoriously watched, scoffing haughtily at Chapa's silly little puppy friends rushing to help her like that.

"Come on." Mika said in worry, dragging Chapa by the arm. "We need to get it off before it dries."

"Come on Chapa." Millie said, also trying to drag the shocked, frozen Chapa along. "Mika's, right. Let's go clean it off."

The two of them collectively managed to drag her away from there but Chapa was glaring at Cori on stage the whole time.

Cori suddenly gasped when she felt someone harshly grab her by the arm and pull her towards him. She gulped when she realized it was Bose.

"We need to talk."

And the tone of his voice was enough to tell her that she'd be dead of she dared to argue. Putting on a brave act, she scoffed. "Fine."


"That evil little witch!" Chapa yelled.

Mika flinched but kept dabbing at her dress with a hanky while Millie was working on removing the stains on Chapa's neck and chest area. "Just calm down, Chapa."

"Calm down?!" Chapa said. "She did this on purpose! I know she did!"

"No." Mika said. "It was that dude who was fighting with Owen who tried to humiliate you like that."

"Yeah." Millie agreed. "If you're going to get mad at someone. It should be him."

Chapa was boiling but she couldn't do anything. Not if she wasn't sure who and who exactly had plotted against her tonight. She even thought for the slightest second that maybe, since he was also there, it was Owen. But her mind shut that thought out immediately. Owen was the sweetest boy she'd ever met. He would never.

Mika groaned, realizing it would be impossible to get all of the paint off. "This isn't working." She said. "Oh, Chapa." She really felt like she would cry. She'd promised Chapa they'd have the best night and this just had to happen to her. Mika freverently wished it was her instead of Chapa.

Someone knocked twice and in walked Owen. They weren't in the girl's bathroom so it was fine. He stood at the door for a second, absolutely worried and then surprised the girls by walking up to Chapa and cupping her face without even thinking about it.

Mika and Millie gasped. Mika covered her mouth. What? Since when...?

Owen probably didn't even realise Mika and Millie were still there. His focus was on Chapa. "Are you okay?"


"So many dudes have admired you already."

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