Chapter 19

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Light hearted laughter and excited chatter filled the school's courtyard as students chatted amicably with their friends during break time. Chapa sat at a bench with her legs crossed on it, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she tried to finish up her homework before the break period ends.

On the other side of the court, a sneaky Aaron hid behind another bench, only peeking out from the top of it. "Subject is now under close observation." He quietly said to nobody in particular, feeling like a secret agent or something. "Subject seems to be occupied with work." He added, using his phone camera to zoom in on Chapa's focused expression. He took a chip out of the bag of chips next to him and put it in his mouth.

He watched as Chapa turned on the music app on her phone and put in her left earpiece. "Subject appears to be a music lover." He said, sipping on the juice box that was sitting right next to the bag of chips.

Then he put the box back down and looked back at Chapa. "Okay." He said, pulling out a pair of shades from nowhere, and putting them on, all cool. "I'm going in."

With that, he stood up straight, dusting himself off and started confidently strutting towards Chapa who didn't notice him as she was so emersed in her work.

When Aaron got in front of her. He awkwardly looked around, thinking of a conversation starter. Chapa still hadn't noticed him.

Okay, now how do you start a conversation with a girl you agreed to spy on for your friend?

He loudly and over exaggeratedly cleared his throat in a way you would think he was choking.

It made Chapa flinch a bit and she looked up at him. She raised her eyebrows.

Aaron awkwardly clasped his hands together, suddenly no longer feeling the 'cool kid' act he had on a few seconds ago. "Um...hello, hehe."

Chapa didn't hear what he said so she took out the earpiece in her left ear. "What?"

Aaron's eyes darted to the side before darting back to her, thinking of what to say. "Uh...." He mentally facepalmed. Why had he come over here if he didn't even know what he was going to say? He pulled at his collar in discomfort. "Well,"

"Wait." Chapa suddenly said, stopping him from talking. She suddenly stood up abruptly. "I know you!"

Aaron gulped. Why is she so intimidating? ", you don't." He whimpered, regretting ever agreeing to do this in the first place.

"Yeah, you're one of those bully kids, aren't you?!" Chapa scolded and Aaron could swear his soul left his body.

"Uh, no, no, I'm not...I'm...Randy Ticklemuffin!"

"How dare you even talk to me!" Chapa suddenly yelled, slamming her book back on the bench.

Aaron squirmed. And he thought Ariana Grande was the 'Dangerous Woman'

He stuttered uncontrollably. "Uh- well, you see-I didn't, um-"

"Get out!" Chapa scolded.

"Yes ma'am!" Aaron quickly sped off forgetting his bag of chips and juice box and just zipping back into the school for dear life.

In the halls, people were surprised to see Aaron of all people running like a madman while screaming like he was being chased by the grim reaper. Some thought they should really be worried while some found it very funny indeed.



Joey clutched his sides and kept laughing until tears were streaming down his eyes.

{Sidetracked} A BAPA StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora