Chapter 7

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Bose's eyebrows furrowed. He didn't speak.

"Are you hurting?" Chapa asked, annoyed. "Or are you just bored?"

Bose frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Who do you think you are to pick on a girl?" Chapa said, piercing him with her gaze. "What do you think of yourself?"

There was silence and Mika looked worried sick. Why does Chapa have to be like this. Couldn't she just overlook like everyone else.

She couldn't. Because she's Chapa.

Aaron, not too pleased about someone scolding his precious Bose like this, spoke. "Hey, who are you? Who gave you the right to talk to Bose? Go away. Leave."

Chapa completely ignored Aaron. "Okay....Bose." She said, having taken note of his name when Aaron said it. "Let me guess. You're rich, you're spoiled, you're a brat and you believe the entire world should be at your feet." She said, spitefully.

It's just the type of people she hates.

Everyone kept silent.

Bose, his friends, Mika, The girl, The whole cafeteria. No one spoke.

Bose slowly stood up to face her. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Chapa countered, unbothered. "Why are you picking on a girl? Don't you have any shame?" She scolded.

"Who do you think you are to talk to Bose like that?" Mace put in. "Do you know who you're talking to?" He warned.

Chapa kept glaring at Bose. "No." She said, folding her arms casually. "So tell me. Who is he? Why does he think he has the right to pick on innocent students who did nothing wrong. And why is he such an arrogant jerk?"

Everyone started mummerimg amongst themselves.

Mika bit her lip. "Chapa, please stop." She whispered.

Joey spoke now. "Listen, you really shouldn't bug him right now. He's not in a good mood."

"Please!" Chapa scoffed. "So what's he gonna do? Have me expelled or something?" She challenged Bose.

Aaron, wanting to stand up for Bose again, stood. "Actually, he can." He said. "He's-"

Bose held up his hand to stop Aaron from going on. He turned back to Chapa. "Walk away." He said calmly.

Chapa stepped closer to him. "No."

Soft gasps.

And Mika bit her nails, fearing for her friend. Why oh why won't Chapa just mind her business sometimes?

Bose stared at her for a good number of seconds. "No?"


Bose wasn't going to lie, he was intrigued. It's the first time he's ever been refused. And he's only realizing now that he didn't know how boring it was when everyone would just fearfully obey him until someone surprised him by being bold enough to go against him for once.

Bose tilted his head. "Who are you?" he asked again. "I've never seen you around here."

"You seem to be more interested in my identity than answering my questions, Bose." Chapa sassed. "What? Feeling sorry all of a sudden?"

"Watch it."

"Or else what?"

Mika was chewing her hair by now. Chapa will be the death of her one day.

Bose scowled, triggered. "Don't mess with me." He was so used to just being obeyed.

"Or what!"

"I'm gonna punch your pretty face!"

"I might just punch yours first!"

Bose was frustratedly taken aback. Since when is a girl agressive? He was pretty sure they were all just pretty pink dolls who scream and run at so much as the sight of a tiny bug.

But not this one. Apparently.

Joey stood. "Bose," He said, getting Bose's attention. "If you get in a fight now, you'll be in trouble. Lunch is almost over."

Bose turned back to Chapa.

"Let me tell you this, Bose." Chapa said. "If I ever see you pick on a girl like that again, you'll be sorry."

Bose scoffed out a quiet laugh to himself. "I can't believe this." He said under his breadth before turning back to the girl and saying loudly. "Yeah? And what are you gonna do?"

"Try me." Chapa said, turning away from him. She walked up to where the girl was still sobbing. "Hi, are you okay? Let me help you get you cleaned up and I'll give you my sandwich, yeah?" She held out her hand for the girl to take.

The girl, in awe of being rescued all of a sudden like this, timidly took Chapa's hand. She followed Chapa when she started leading her out of the cafeteria.

Suddenly, Bose didn't want to see her leave."So was this your plan to get my attention?" He suddenly called, making Chapa stop. Smirking, he continued when Chapa didn't reply. "Admit it, you did all that just so I'd notice you." He taunted. "Am I right?"

Chapa couldn't believe her ears. This arrogant-

Absolutely pissed, Chapa turned around, walked back towards him and flipped Bose's lunch tray right off the table all over the floor. Just as he'd done to the girl who was, at the moment, still trembling behind her only now it was because she couldn't believe the guts the girl who is standing up for her had.

Bose glared at her. "What the heck?!"

"Take that as a warning." Chapa said. She turned away from him again, grabbing the girl's hand, stomping off, angrier than before.

The arrogance. The nerve. She couldn't believe it. It made her want to hit him in the head with a baseball bat. Maybe that would bring him back to his senses.

"I should really clean his locker. He told me-" The sobbing girl said but Chapa interrupted her.

"What nonsense are you talking about?! Why would you clean his locker? Are you his maid?" Chapa asked, mad. Why does everyone act like he's the king of this school or something? He's a rude jerk! "Just come with me."

Bose watched, speechless as the girls walked off. He turned back to his friends. "What just happened?"

Mace shook his head. "Is she even a student here?" He asked. "I don't think I've seen her around before."

Joey spoke. "She was hot though."

Aaron scoffed. Every enemy of Bose is and enemy of his. "She was not."

"Bose." Joey smirked. "What do you think?"

Joey had been pleasantly surprised to see Bose speechless for the first time ever. He's never at a loss for words while talking to someone. Not even his dad.

Bose felt his blood boil. He, Bose O'Brian was actually just scolded by a girl.

And he couldn't even say a word back, he just watched her leave. Has he lost his mind?

Was she a student here? Dumb question of course she was. That must mean she's new. She has to be one of the two new girls. Joey was talking about.


She was so confident.

And sassy.

And... And...

And rude!

How dare she speak to him in such a manner! Who does she think she is?!

Bose wasn't going to take this lying down.

It's makes it worse that he doesn't even know her name.

Bose clenched his fists. Oh, mark my words...


"You've met your match."

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