Chapter 14

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An overexcited brown dog, upon sensing the arrival of his owner, ran to the door barking loudly in order to welcome him home.

Bose closed the door behind him, laughing at how his dog jumped on two legs trying to jump on him as a form of greeting. "Rex!" He greeted, grinning. "How goes it?"

The dog barked back and Bose rolled him over to give him a belly rub. "Yeah, my day was pretty boring too. Too bad for both of us, huh?"

Rex answered with more excited barking and Bose chuckled. He stood up, taking off his jacket. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!"

"Thank goodness." He heard. "Honey, be a good boy and walk Rex please?" His mom said, rushing past him and struggling to put on her coat.

"What? But that's Dad's job." Bose said, turning to her as she walked past. He picked Rex up from the ground. "Where is he?"

His mom was hurrying to put on her shoes by now. "He had to go back to the school." She said. "Emergency staff meeting."

"Well, where are you going?" Bose whined. Why dump their own responsibilities on him? "Can't you walk him instead?"

"I can't." His mom replied coming back to kiss his forehead, though Bose wiped it off, embarrassed. He's got to be the only guy his age who still gets forehead kisses from his mommy. "Grocery shopping. I've already wasted so much time. I need to head off, love you." She rushed back to the door and, with a wave, closed it behind her.

Bose rolled his eyes. Parents. He held up his over excited dog. "Okay Rex, guess it's you and me now." He said in a playful voice. "Let's get your leash."


Bose put his hand in the pocket of his coat as he calmly walked Rex down the street. His friends all have something to do so this is the best way he can keep himself busy anyway.

It's also an opportunity to brainstorm ideas to get Mace to forget about that Mika girl.

She's totally ruined everything!

Stupid Mace and his stupid feelings. He wants his best friend back.

When he got to the park he breathed in the air. It's refreshing.

Rex started jumping up and down, excited to run around a bit and get excersise. Bose knelt in front of him. "Okay, let's get this off." He said, reaching for the leash. "Excited to play around?"

He had just taken it off when he froze.

He'd heard faint laughter from a distance and he kinda stopped breathing for a second.

He couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't even believe he actually recognizes that voice.

Why the heck does he even recognize her voice?!

"No..." He said to himself, in doubt because come on, what are the odds? "No....It couldn't possibly..."

Then he let his head slowly turn to the right and his eyes widened when he saw a girl helping her own dog go through a small obstacle course. She was praising the little pet whenever she succeed getting past each obstacle.

Bose gaped at her. "You." He said, coldly more to himself than anyone else.

He stood up straight and kept staring at her. She hadn't noticed him there.

What are the odds of running into her here?

Bose was in the middle of contemplating whether he should finally sieze the chance he'd missed last time to give her a piece of his mind or turn right back around and run super fast back to his house.

{Sidetracked} A BAPA StoryWhere stories live. Discover now