Chapter 19

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I was running from a juice box being thrown at me, all when mi mada tell mi fi stop play inna mi uniform mi nah stop.
I felt when someone push me and I dropped in the muddy dirt. Mi say when yuh no listen inno a dem deh something deh yuh get.

"Lia get up off a the ground likkle gyal" my taxi driver said I been waiting on him for the pass hour now got him to come pick mi up after how long but him can deh shout after mi after mi not even notice him come.

My mom payed Murphy to pick me up in the evenings after school because it wasn't save for young girls to be on the  road at any hours and my taxi stand was far from my school.
Mom use to always drill this story about a little girl who was coming from school one day and gun man a run round and one of dem accidentally shoot and hit the girl and she died right on the spot.

"Likkle girl get up and move no man yuh think mi have time fi dis, mi no warn yuh bout dis already" Murphy said

I was trying to pull myself up but it was if I was stuck in the mud. Kayla walked up to me and helped me up , by this time Murphy had already left me at school and I now had no way of getting home.

I was crying cause I know my Mom doesn't want me to be taking taxi too late and now I am gonna have to go into bay.

"Do you want a ride home?" Kayla asked
I don't usually go home with her cause mommy doesn't want me inna dem personal space according to her and I know shouldn't go but I have no other choice but to go.

"Yeah" I told her
"Okay come wid mi" she said lead me to a black mark x

"Good evening sir " I said to the man around the steering wheel
"Good evening young lady, where are you going" he said
"Up a scheme yuh can drop mi" I said
"Okay will do" he said to me

Getting into the familiar car was not easier than I thought, other than the driver a tall guy was in the front he looked like he was in highschool I have never seen him before.

"Before the man help yuh him deh shout off a yuh, a so him behave all the time ?" she asked taking me out of my thoughts

"Yeah a so him one behave more while all one time him lick mi bout how mi did a ramp a school and him affi go fi other pickney and mi tek up him time"

"Then him brite like fi deh lick people pickney" she said
I agreed with her but I can't do nothing about it I just have to wait until the year is over. At the front the guy was texting on the phone you look a bit like Kayla's dad, she had mentioned a sibling but I didn't know he was this big.

"Matthew, Luna say yuh muss call har and sto avoid har pan the school grounds" Kayla said to her brother
"Anything yuh see her tell har fi give my back my shoes weh she thief" he answered
I started laughing, mi no know who go tell mu fi laugh inno the bwoy start glare pan mi hard, mi feel like the seat could a tek mi in right there.
"Stop look pan mi friend and go fix yuh eyebrow" Kayla said to him
She probably notice my embarrassment, that yuh get man when yuh too nuff.

I pulled her closer to me to ask her what she meant about his eyebrow. She told me how one of his ex caught him cheating and he shaved his eyebrows and he had to use a sharpie marker to shape real eyebrows and his friends couldn't stop laughing at him.
"Mi say the day mi see the bwoy with the sharpie pan him face mu laugh so till, now him know no fi cheat" she said a little bit too loud
"Stop talk mi business little girl and tek this to" he handed her something she had asked for earlier

"Mi say the day mi see the bwoy with the sharpie pan him face mu laugh so till, now him know no fi cheat" she said a little bit too loud"Stop talk mi business little girl and tek this to" he handed her something she had asked for earlier

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