Am I Glitching In And Out?

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A few hours had passed since everyone had left. Strangely, Victor found the silence both comforting, yet unnerving. Especially now, when there was no one to tell him if everyone was alright. Thankfully, if there was no one else, he had Lucas. But…that was just it, wasn’t it?

He laid beside his fiancé in their bed, gently holding onto him or giving him light caresses now and then. The process was getting worse, aggressively. Just as soon as Victor would start to drift off, he would feel Lucas cringe in pain beside him. And every time, he’d rush to comfort him; he didn’t dare leave him alone now.

“I could get you something to help you sleep, if you’d like.” Victor suggested quietly.

Lucas nodded as he gritted his teeth in pain. "P..please.." He just wanted to sleep through this even though he knew that wouldn't happen. Not right now.

Victor got up, giving Lucas’s hand a squeeze as he rushed out of the room to find his medical bag. He shuffled through the contents to find some sleeping medication. As he was about to open the bottle, another item in his bag caught his eye; at some point, he’d acquired painkillers, and strong ones at that. If he got the dosages right of both medications, maybe Lucas could tolerate the pain, even if just for a little while. He hoped for the best.

He took both bottles in his hands and speedwalked back to the bedroom, sitting down on the bed beside Lucas. He set the bottles on the nightstand as he prepared the medications.

“I have some good news, rosebud.” Victor kept his voice gentle. “We might just be able to make you feel a little better.” He smiled softly.

Lucas looked up at Victor with a small smile, "That's... the news... I h..have heard." He carefully sat up, groaning in pain. "T..thank you, b..buttercup.. I.. r..really can't w..wait until..this is o..over.."

Victor was doing math in his head, trying to figure out dosages. He took one pill from each bottle and grabbed a cup of water from the nightstand. “I’m only doing my job.” He chuckled slightly as he handed them all to Lucas.

Lucas gave a soft chuckle. He took the pills and chugged the water, letting the pills go down his throat. He let out a sigh as he finished the water, setting the cup on the nightstand.

He hoped to everything that he could now go to sleep. He let out a wince as pain shot through him. He layed back down and curled in on himself.

Victor let out a sigh as he put a hand on Lucas’s back. “It’ll take some time to work, we’ll have to be patient.” He adjusted so he was lying down once again. “But I’ll gladly keep you company.”

Lucas uncurled from himself and turned over, looking at Victor. He held the others hand, gripping it a bit tightly as pain flowed through him and letting out a breath.

After the pain subsided he cuddled up against Victor, "You're so strong... I c..can't believe you went through t..this alone.."

Victor shrugged. “I wasn’t…completely alone. Mel was with me, but…I tried to keep it to myself, best I could.” He scoffed. “Tried passing it off as the flu, same as you.”

Lucas let out a huff of a laugh, "G..guess great minds t..think alike.." He gave a kiss against Victors cheek.

Victor smiled. “Guess so.” He looked at Lucas with love in his eyes. “…I’m glad I stayed. It’s not easy to go through by yourself.”

"I'm glad stayed too.." Lucas gave a kiss too Victors lips. He looked into the others eyes, " don't have to answer but.." He winced as he felt pain go through his arms.

" was your transformation for"

Victor froze for a moment. Then he sat up. His mind went back to old memories, things he thought he’d forgotten about. He frowned, closing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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