Who's He?

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Ryan tried calling Austin back. He was sleeping when Austin called.. The call went to voicemail, "Shit.." He could feel that something was wrong. He put a hand over his stomach. He looked at Cat who was still sleeping, he kisses her forehead. "I'll be right back.." He whispered softly before rushing out, putting on his shoes and running toward the apartment. He rushed up the stairs and opened the door to his and Jack's apartment. He saw Jack and then saw...

"What the fuck.."

Austin's neck was twisted at an odd angle..it was snapped. He looked at Jack, "What the fuck happened?"

“I…” Jack mumbled, stood over Austin, yet clueless. He shook his head. “Ryan…please…”

Ryan ran a hand through his hair, "Jack..get away from Austin.." He called Adam, who answered then called everyone else. They all agreed to meet at the apartment. He paced back and forth, before looking back at Jack who moved away from the body. "Do you.. remember snapping his neck or anything before that?"

Jack shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. "No..." He glanced at Austin's corpse, then quickly looked away. "H-He's my best friend, Ry. You have to believe me!" His voice broke as he spoke.

Ryan sighed, "I know... I know. We just..have to figure out what happened.." There was a knock on the door. He went over, looking through the peephole, it was Twenty and Eighty. He opened the door, "Come in." He let them in.

"Did something ha...oh." Eighty's statement was interrupted with shock and he stopped in his tracks, Twenty following suit.

"What...happened to him?" Twenty asked, kneeling down next to Austin.

Jack refused to answer, bringing his knees up closer to his chest.

Ryan's lips thinned into a line as he closed the door, "Uh... Something happened to Jack and he..snapped Austin's neck.."

Adam made it to the door and let himself in, closing the door behind him. "Okay, I'm he-" He stopped in his tracks as he looked at Austin's body. "What the..fuck.."

Twenty and Eighty's jaws dropped and their stares settled on Jack in horror and disbelief.

Jack sunk into himself and only began to cry harder. "No...don't look at me like that. Just...stop."

Ryan looked at Adam then at Twenty and Eighty, "It's not..his fault... I know it isn't. He wouldn't do this, Austin is- was his best friend.."

Adam teared up but went into big brother mode and went over to Jack, pulling him into a hug. He rubbed his back.

Soon enough there was another knock, more and more people showed up. Soon enough everyone was staring, horrified at the scene in front of them.

"Guys." DT intervened nonchalantly. "I don't mean to change the mood, but...has no one thought of the most blatantly obvious way to fix this?"

The Jacks thought for a moment. Something must have been escaping them.

Ryan thought for a moment then his eyes went wide in realization, "Oh my god, the button." How did it slip his mind.. He quickly made his way toward Jack's room, going to the dresser, looking away and feeling for the button. "Aha." He made his way back. He thought of Austin and then..pressed the button.

It was a moment..that turned into a minute..then another. Ryan started to loose hope..then there was movement.

Austin's neck snapped into place, a mark starting to show on his neck. A white streak started to show in his hair. There was nothing for a moment then.

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