A Night To Remember

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Victor stood poring over his reflection as he fixed his shirt in the mirror for the eighth time this hour. He straightened his sleeves and made sure his collar was as wrinkle-free as possible. He wanted to look as spotless as he could for the big night. Even to the point that he might be obsessing over it a tad. And he knew it, too.

He ran his hands quickly through his hair as he took another look at himself. He felt a familiar feeling in his stomach, his hands twitching ever so slightly to his sides.

God…was he ready for this?

Lucas knocked on the bathroom door of their shared apartment, "You okay in there, buttercup?" He asked a bit worried. He could tell that something was on Victors mind. "You've been in there for awhile."


“Y-Yes, Rosebud! Be out in just a moment!” Victor’s voice trembled as he spoke, and as best he tried, he couldn’t hide it.

Lucas heard the trembled voice, "Buttercup..." He tilted his head. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Melrose knocked on the door to Lucas' and Victors apartment. They were giddy with excitement, their little bro was about to.. Her thoughts got cut off by Lucas opening the door. "Hey there, Lu- you okay?"

Lucas shrugged, "Not really.. Victor has been really skiddish lately and I don't know why. He isn't telling me anything." He frowned worriedly. "I don't know what's wrong."

Melrose hummed, they knew why. "Don't worry, I'll talk to him." He patted Lucas' head and made their way to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "Vic, it's Mel.. Can I come in?"

Victor sat down on the floor against the bathtub, his head leaned back and staring up at the ceiling. He exhaled a sigh. "...Yeah...sure."

Melrose opened the door and closed it behind him. He made his way over and sat next to their little brother, "Let me guess, you're nervous about the proposal."

"Nervous?" Victor looked down at his sibling. "I'm fucking terrified, Mel. I-I don't know how to do this!" He held his head in his hands.

Melrose frowned, "Hey, bud.. You just have to speak from your heart. You love him, so much. You guys are fucking soulmates, I can promise you it'll go smooth. If you stumble over your words Lucas will not care, I can also promise you that." He rubbed Victors back softly.

"But that's the thing..." Victor scoffed as he brought his legs to his chest. "I don't want to stumble over my words. I don't want it to be imperfect. I want to give him a night he'll remember as long as he lives..." He shook his head. "But you know me, I'm too damn awkward to make things perfect." He chuckled sadly.

Melrose sighed softly, "If you keep thinking you're gonna mess it up, you will mess it up. You have to think that you won't mess it up, put some good in that big ol' noggin of yours." He took in Victors skin, "You've been looking paler recently...you're keeping it under control, aren't you?"

Victor's expression became more distant. "Well...yeah. I mean, I've been trying...the best I can, anyway. What does that have to do with anything?" He crossed his arms and folded in on himself a bit.

"Sorry...just making sure.." Melrose side hugged Victor. "Back on topic.." He cleared his throat. "I believe in you.. You can do this because you're Victor Metzger and you're my little brother. You're gonna speak from your heart and make that man out there fall in love with you more, if that's even possible. You're gonna get married and have the best life." He smiled at the other.

Victor took a deep breath. "...God, I hope you're right." He got to his feet and adjusted his shirt and vest one last time, then turned to Melrose. "How do I look? Do I look okay? Please tell me I look decent."

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