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It had been about an hour, but it didn't feel like it.

Everything was cleaned up, for the most part. Victor had promised to take care of DT, somehow. He had made no specification. He picked up his body gently and carried it carefully out of the apartment, Lucas trailing behind him. Everyone else was left to sit in stunned silence.

DT was gone. Forever.

Risk was in the corner, trying to make himself small. He was trying to ward off a panic attack. His body shook with quiet sobs still, feeling someone's eyes on him every once in awhile.. He knew that everyone would hate him and..he deserves it.

Austin still held Ryan, rubbing his back softly. He could see some people, especially Agnes, glare at Risk, disgust in their eyes. He heard what happened and how DT died but..it just sounds like Risk hallucinated Data being in place of DT and his anger got the best of him.

Jack was still trying to wrap his head around everything. DT was a close friend, a brother...and now he'd never see him again. If he were honest...if this really was Data, and it was starting to seem that way...he couldn't say he completely blamed Risk for acting the way he did. He just hated that it ended up like this.

Ryan couldn't believe it..DT was gone..for good. His best friend, his brother was gone forever.. He held onto Austin tightly still. He didn't completely blame Risk..sure he held some anger toward him but he kept it under wraps, Risk seemed like he was beating himself up way worse than anything he could say.

Agnes sat staring at Risk. He killed him. There was no forgiving it. He did it and he knew it. She didn't care what excuse he had, there was no way to excuse that he plunged a knife into his brother's fucking chest. Her boyfriend was dead. The boyfriend she had just admitted to loving...dead; all because of fucking Risk.

Risk could feel someone practically death staring him. He looked up, it's Agnes. He shrunk under her stare, he deserves this...he deserves this. He looked back down at the now very dried blood on his hands.

Jack got up with a sigh and approached Risk on the floor. He held out a hand to him. “Come on.”

Risk looked at Jack surprised. He stared at the hand for a moment before hesitantly accepting the hand, getting pulled up by Jack.

"Let's get you cleaned up..." Jack suggested, leading Risk to the back bathroom.

Agnes watched the two as they went. She shook her head with a scowl before pulling her knees closer to her and resting her head on her arms.

Risk tilted his head, "O..okay..?" His voice was hoarse. He was surprised that Jack was showing him any kindness..especially after what he did.. Did Jack even trust him anymore? He wouldn't blame him if he didn't.

Jack opened the door for the two of them and closed it behind them. He started running some warm water in the sink.

Risk looked at the water, putting his hands under the water. He slowly saw the dried blood go down the sink. He looked at Jack, "W..why are you..helping m..me..?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, a few reasons, I guess..." Jack shrugged. "For one, I think both of us need a break from Agnes, honestly..." He stated with a semi-sarcastic tone. "But, mainly...I...think I'm starting to get why it happened."

Risk nodded then blinked, "You are...?" He looked at his hands, the blood slowly starting to leave them but..he could still feel it. "What are you thinking...?"

"I mean..." Jack sat down on the side of the tub. "Think about New Year's. We all heard the static, but...he never showed up. It's like he was there...without being there physically." He looked down at the floor with a furrowed brow. "...And Agnes and Faye never heard it."

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