Everything was white

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(Hey my lovely friends and fellows! This chapter is very near and dear to my heart because I love writing backstories! I'm getting major Déjà vu because the last time I wrote a backstory, it was Dice confessing his childhood(which was a part that I thought about before I even had the plot map thought out!) in Tempt the Fates. Anyways, enough about me writing silly things, enjoy! I'm gonna put this in two parts because it's very long and needs to be separated. Love you all!)

"Take that off now! That is unacceptable!" a loud voice screamed in your face.

A white flash of light filled the room. You could feel the ground disintegrate from below your feet. It was your parents. You were thinking about the night that you left. From the white, you could see a gray shadow come and grab ahold of your newly dyed hair. A large pair of scissors snipped off the edges and anywhere else with color. 

With heavy breaths, you woke up from your nightmare. Sweat had beaded on your face, smearing the light imprints of Eddie's light shade of lipstick. The vision must've gotten you really mixed up, your hair was all tangled and all over the place. You get up to wash your face in hopes that you can go back to sleep peacefully without waking Eddie up. It was no use, he got up and followed you, surprising you by giving you a hug from behind. 

"Darlin, what are you doing up at this hour?" he smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek. 

"I- I started to think about my parents," you confess. 

Eddie was never gave the talk about what happened at home. You would feel too guilty talking about the stuff that you went through, especially because no one ever cared to talk with you before.

"You must miss them a lot, huh?" he says.

"Not exactly,"

"Why not? You probably haven't seen them in months," 

"They- weren't exactly what you would call parents," 

"Ah, I see. Why not?" 


You started freezing up thinking about your past. It hurt to remember the faces and events. Your hands started to shake a bit. Tears filled your eyes. 

"Hey, don't stress about it, hon. You wanna go back to sleep?" he comforts.

You take a deep breath.

"I think I'm ready to talk about it," you claim. 

You go and lay in the dark of the bedroom on the cold floor. Eddie grabbed a blanket and sat with you, leaning up against the wall. 

"Well I guess I can start with school. That was a main factor. Then my parents. And my past partner. And absolutely with my so called friends I hung out with."

(the rest of the story is in flashback! Pretty cool, right?😎)

Age 13:

"Destiny!!! Wait up!" you called. 

"Well, I'm sorry. Maybe I should just.." she taunted.

"You can't!" 

"I am free to talk to our headmaster whenever I please. But, since you're so pathetic, I won't. Just keep that- away from me." 

You gripped a purple marker in my hand. After hearing rumors and vigorously searching the school's basement, you finally found a pack of markers that had colors other than black and grey. You didn't exactly know what you were going to do with them, since coloring is prohibited, but it felt nice to have them. Breaking the rules felt fun. 

Age 17:

Pulling the box out from under your bed, you rushed to your bathroom and locked the door. You had to find an inconspicuous place to look at your collection. A pink pair of socks, the pack of markers, a pink flamingo, a rainbow bracelet, and a box of pink hair dye. You got all of this stuff from your job at a general store, outside of town. All of your earnings went straight into savings, but this is stuff you took that never sold. The lightweight box sat in your hands, making you think about the day when you move out and get to turn your blonde hair into bright pink. Tomorrow was your 18th birthday. Your parents were holding a big dinner with all of their rich friends tomorrow night, and had totally forgot about it. They decided they would have your ceremony tonight, to work with their schedule.

In which your ceremony was in ten minutes, you were significantly late. You quickly put on the gold suit/dress. Gold was the only real color, other than white, your parents approved of you wearing. I mean, you could look at colors, like at your job, but because you were rich, you were subjected only to certain colors. Your maid was waiting outside of the door. 

"Miss/Mister/Excuse me, we have to get going. Dinner is ready and your parents are waiting," the maid called.

"Thank you," you mumbled as you slammed the door shut.

The long dinner table was supposed to be filled with your favorite foods. Instead, there was your best friend, Destiny's, favorite foods. High amounts of (insert least favorite foods here) were carefully placed along the middle. 

"Mom, Dad," you addressed your parents.

"Y/N, why are you wearing that? That's for your birthday ceremony," your mother barked.

"I thought this was- my birthday ceremony?" you answered.

"Your birthday is in two months," she stated.

"My birthday is tomorrow," 

"Well, right now, we are celebrating Destiny's birthday. Go change," she demanded. 

"Yes ma'am," you mocked. 

You walk straight upstairs into your bathroom. You rip open the box and pull out the dye. While it sits in your hair, you pack all of your things. You can't wait till tomorrow. You need to leave today. 

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