My eyes even glanced at her a couple of times before I saw her mouth start up a mutter.

  "Are you scared?"

That wasn't the question I was expecting but it was a question. It was better than her talking about the situation prior.

  "Yeah, but my mothers been through this and I'm just as strong as they are. I know that with all of us we can find a way to get out of it. We could live our lives dedicated to us and not the government."

She scooted up a bit before she tied the pillow case in a knot over my cut. Her eyes lead back up to mine and she nodded,

  "Can you teach me?" She asked,

  "Teach you what?" I asked

  "Teach me to survive," her voice went dry.

I felt bad for her in most cases but we were all under the same boat, we all needed the pity. Sure she didn't deserve this but no one does.

  "As long as you teach me how to fix myself up like this, Dr. Monreal."

Her face tinted pink as she looked down and away from me.

She smiled as if we weren't in the situation we were in. Seeing her smile made it seem like it wasn't so bad that we had to do this whole BMMC thing.

  "Or...I can just fix you up everytime. Your choice." She says before standing up and reaching her hand out to help me.

I smiled back at her before taking her hand and getting up. I was going to start up another conversation to kill time but we were interrupted.

Lucas cleared his throat as he leaned against the door frame. I wondered how long he was standing there.

  "What?" Autumn asked him,

  He rolled his eyes, "We have a problem."

  I looked at him weirdly, "What problem?"

  "Three idiots followed us here."

I exchanged looks with Autumn before following Lucas downstairs. There I was stopped by Oliver. He ranted about how we already failed the first mission about keeping this a secret and how we were disappointments to the last group of people in the industry.

What I didn't notice was that the three idiots were standing in the living room.

Those three idiots being Zackery, Joshua and Rosalie.

We were in so much trouble.

  "I'll get them out of here." I swore,

  "You better, and they better not know anything about this or I'll be forced to kill them." He swore to me before pushing past me.

When I walked into the living room, Rosalie looked at me first. Zackery then brought me into a hug and he kissed me as if his life depended on it.

When we pulled away from the kiss I could see Autumn, Lucas and Delilah walking into the room.

Autumn turned away from us as she seemed to be interested in the floor all of a sudden.

Delilah on the other hand was frustrated. She didn't like when Zackery was around and she definitely didn't know how to act around Rosalie.

  "What's going on?" Delilah asked,

  "This place is creepy, what are you doing here?" Rosalie asked,

  "That's none of your business." Delilah assured.

  "It is my business when there could be someone in need. Do you know how many local murders have been reported around here?" Rosalie says as she stepped up to Delilah.

Delilah, Autumn, Lucas and exchanged looks before looking up at the camera.

  "You guys need to get out of here." I warned Zackery and the rest.

  "We aren't leaving until we know you are safe." Zackery assured to me.

I loved that he was a supportive boyfriend and that he cared for me but now wasn't the time and if I wanted to protect him then I needed to do it fast.

  "I'm safe. I'm just going through things and you need to leave." I told him,

  "I convinced them to come here. I was worry about you, baby." Joshua winked at Delilah.

Both Rosalie and I rolled our eyes. It was actually disgusting seeing him trying to flirt with her. Delilah on the other hand was an awkward ball, she didn't even know what to do at the sound of his words.

  "They say they're fine then they're fine." Rosalie assures as she walks over to the door, "We should get back, I have a Netflix date with Emily right now."

Looking at Delilah I could see she was hurt by the words and I felt like a bad friend for not helping her in this case but we had to get them out of there.

Her feelings; no matter how harsh this sounds; will have to wait.

  "Okay, we'll go but I'll text you letting you know I got home safe and school's back on for tomorrow, so, I'll see you there?" Zackery asked,

  "Yeah, you'll see us there." Delilah says beating me too it.

Joshua kissed Delilah on the cheek before leaving out of the house. Zackery kissed me one last time as he followed after him.

I couldn't help but to feel guilty and I ex again sad; for autumn; she looked uncomfortable and sad herself.

Rosalie was the last one out of the door, but she didn't leave without saying, "I would like to ask you guys for a favor."

  I rolled my eyes before crossing my arms, "What?" I asked,

  "Tell Oliver I said hi," she says,

Oj then walked into the room as he smiled at Rosalie and waved,

  "Hello, Rosie." He says,

Rosalie scoffed before chuckling, "Not you, Oj. Your father, tell him when he's done playing I have what he wants." She says before grinning and shutting the door.

What. the. fuck.

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