background information

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Welcome to this story. Before we talk about this I want to say sorry about the big jump between this story and the last one. I didn't forget to do this or did I stop doing this. I just had a lot of school work to do and I couldn't find time to do this. But now I can get to it.

In this story the PJ Masks have to put up (once again) with robot versions of themselves. Here is a little background information of this story.

1. this is before season six

2. the robot versions are not the ones Romeo made (cause we have no idea what happened to those)

3. we have some Luna x Gekko in this one as well as Catboy x Owlette

4. all the bad guys and good guys team up in this story at some point

5. I know this takes place before ninja power up

6. near the end, something happens to one of them

7. in the last chapter of PJ Masks VS Slappy, I gave a promo to this, I recommend seeing that to see it (even though some of it will be in the first chapter) 

That is all I can think of right now. I hope that you will give this story a try at least. See you later for part one.

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