I happily spread over my fresh pancakes, almost licking my fingers at how sweet they had become. I had never tried that before. Lifting my eyes, I blinked at Grey's soft gaze as he disbelievingly stared like he was in a daze.

"These are really sweet, why are you not eating?" I asked when he continued to gaze at me and I had almost choked twice as I gulped down some orange juice.

"How can I, when the sweetest thing I know sits before me giving me that smile." He took a seat on the opposite side, not breaking eye contact.

"Especially dressed like that," his eyes raked over my body that I felt goosebumps rise all over my covered skin. I lowered my scarlet face into my plate, shying away from his eyes.

I ate the rest of the pancakes quietly as I occasionally peeked at Grey who didn't seem to look anywhere else. His eyes remained on my face till I had the very last bite.

"Need more?" I shook my head as I rubbed my tummy to emphasize that I was full. Those had to be around four pancakes. I wonder if Grey found it odd for a girl to eat that much.

He cleared the table after I was done, not letting me do anything and I stared as he moved around the kitchen. He could cook, he could braid, he could fight and he was strong. I didn't even know my talent.

Grey had just placed the last plate on the utensils rack when the doorbell rang. I nearly jumped at the sound, terrified by the sudden noise.

He patted my head as he walked past me to answer the door. I think I had overstayed my visit so it would be best if I let him stay with his friends.

I stood up from the seat when I heard voices by the door but no one came in. "You don't look so happy to see us," a familiar voice whined and I went to see who was there.

"What do you want?" Grey grunted angrily and I could tell by his tone that he was scowling. I stealthily walked to his back and peeked through his open arm that held the door.

"Reece?" I forgot that I was hiding when I saw his familiar face. He looked just as surprised as he called out my name. I weaved past Grey, smiling at the new arrival.

There was another man with Reece that I didn't know though he appeared younger, probably my age. I smiled at both of them welcoming them in even with Grey's mean eye.

Reece dashed in first followed by the other man who hadn't said a word. "It seems to be cozy here," Reece remarked looking at Grey when he saw my attire.

"Hello, my name is Ginelle." I greeted the quiet man figuring he had to be Grey's friend. I extended my hand which he shook as he replied.

"Nice to meet you Ginelle, I'm Enzo." He avoided looking into my eyes but I assumed he was shy. Grey came to my side when we released our handshake and I noticed that he was gripping the edge of the sofa rather harshly.

They could even tear with that hold. Reece smiled at me as he leaned to whisper something to Enzo whose eyes seemed to widen. He nodded at what Reece had said and then looked at me.

"You seem to have gotten better, Elle." I noticed the sudden change of my name and Reece playfully winked at me as he sat back, crossing his legs.

"I'm a doctor," Enzo explained when I didn't seem to catch on what he saying. He was the one who had prescribed my medicine last night.

"Thank you for checking on me," I smiled in appreciation and he nodded back briefly looking at the man beside me. Grey was breathing heavily through his nose glaring ahead.

The doorbell rang again and Grey rose up with a great force and I heard a small bang when he left the room. I looked at Reece and Enzo confused who had surprised looks in their faces.

"I think you should check on him," Reece told me playfully, nudging me to go see if Grey was fine. I slowly nodded as I left wondering what had gone wrong. Was this because I had invited them in without his permission?

At the door, Grey stood with his back slightly bend as he embraced a woman. She kept asking him if he was fine and I turned to walk away to give them some privacy but she seemed to have seen me.

"Hello dear," she walked in smiling broadly as she looked at me as if she knew me. She looked exactly like the woman I'd seen in the photo at Grey's room though her hair had grayed.

"I'm Grey's grandma," the smile never left her face and I smiled back, lowering my head to greet her respectfully.

"I'm Ginelle, Grey's friend." She held her hands over her mouth looking shocked when I introduced myself.

"Really?" She seemed to squeal, her energy reminding me of Mayella. I nodded my head and she took my hands stunned as though I wasn't real.

"Grey never had any female friends." Her face was almost teary and I was surprised when she pulled me into an hug. She was so friendly, I smiled hugging her back.

"Nana," Grey mumbled beside us when we pulled apart and I saw that the tips of his ears had turned pink. Did he not even have a girlfriend before? It was hard to believe.

"My other friends must be in there," she wriggled her eyebrows at me as she walked in. How funny if she thought of the young men as her friends. It was comical to hear.

"Your grandma is energetic," I turned to Grey smiling at how lovely the old lady was and how she deeply cared for him.

"Mmm," he didn't say anything else though he was calmer than before. I tugged his arm to get him look at me.

"Are you angry with me?" I asked not wanting to see him in a sour mood. I could go back to my place and give him some space.

"No," his voice was clipped and rough when he replied and I saw him clench his hands when it came out louder than intended.

"Tulip, I didn't mean to-" he apologetically began as he cupped my face as I worriedly stared at him. Was he not going to tell me the problem?

"I just didn't think they'd come," he was talking about Reece and Enzo though I didn't clearly understand what the issue was. They were his friends after all.

"You don't want them here?" I tried to piece out the words correctly trying not to sound rude and Grey nodded instantly.

"We can chase them away?" I attempted to joke though Grey seemed so serious that I thought he would do just that.

"Reecie, get me some water." His grandma shouted from the living room and not a second later, Reece called. "Grey where are the glasses?" I saw him roll his eyes as he walked in and I followed.

"What are your eyes for?" Grey pulled out two glasses behind the cabinet where Reece had been standing and filled them with water.

Reece didn't respond as he looked at Grey in a smirk and took the now filled glasses. "What's with the shirt?"

"Back off," I laughed to myself as Reece winked at Grey then walked out whistling. Everyone was being comical today.

✪ ✪ ✪

If I may ask, who's your favorite character so far and why? I seem to like everyone, so I can hardly tell.


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