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18. Thoughts

The servants sent for Elera soon after her eyes dried, her mascara and eyeshadow fixed to seem as if she never wore any at all. I reluctantly let my sister go, her warm hands still leaving a ghostly film over my own. I missed the warmth.

Standing, now by myself, I realized I would have to get ready for the second day of festivities, I was still in the burgundy dress from the dinner, Esme would have my head if I wore the same thing twice. I haven't seen her since this afternoon.

Before I know it, I've found myself in the hallways close to my chambers, close to where I should have a dress and shoes and jewels laid out for me to put on. I can hear the orchestra strumming their violins and the pianist dancing across the keys. I remember where Technoblade said he would meet me.

Rounding the corner to my room, the stairs seemed to stretch for days, my door seemed to be miles away. The lack of sleep was catching up to me, slowing down my steps and slowing down my brain. I hope there was some sort of energy boost waiting in my room, maybe some tea, or coffee. I take the steps one at a time, leaning against the rails that guide my path, my hands run over the steel, the sounds of the night birds filtering through the stairwell as I ascend the tower, the stone steps and my heels echo around the close walls.

Moments later, I arrive at the wooden door, pushing it open with my foot. I step inside with a sway, slightly off balance. Upon seeing my room, I feel comfort wash over me, forgetting about the troubling news I have received recently. Instead of worrying about things I cannot control, I worry about the beautiful dress hung up on the curtain railing, a dark gray dress with teardrops like rain dripping down the shimmery fabric. The dress was floor length, the straps were off the shoulder made of a clearish fabric that resembled mist. There were pearls strung across the front to wrap around my arms, there were more linked to a high collar made of pearls and rubies, contrasting to the dark gray and pale pearls. There were ruby earrings with the same little teardrops of rain dangling down, hanging low enough on the chain to be just above my shoulders.The heels, the same dark shimmery gray as the dress, would add about four inches to my height, I might be able to look Technoblade in the eye tonight.

As I admire the dress laying on the bed, I see a note laying on my pillow. Reaching down towards the shoes I currently wear, I slide out of them and reach towards the note laying on the pillow. It's sealed with wax, with a lavender sprig as a crest. The scent of the sprig flew through my nose, a smile forming on my face.


Taking a nail and popping the seal, I open the small letter with ease, trying to not tear the paper or the seal. The lavender seal is set on my vanity before I read the letter.

Dearest Princess,

Forgive me for not being there for you tonight, something came up at home and I had to be there, but I laid out your clothing for tonight, as well as drew a bath with the hottest water. Lemon and rose oils to help relieve stress and relax your body. I regretfully won't be able to fix your hair for the night, but if you require, a servant can be sent to attend to it. I truly do apologize for not being there, but I hope you will tell me all about your night when I return.

P.S. There is tea in the bathroom for you, one cube of sugar and a dash of honey is already stirred in. I do hope it is still hot.


I smile, tucking the letter into the vanity drawer, setting the wax seal back on top of it, as if I never broke the seal. I start to unlace the corset to my current maroon dress, walking towards the bath, I can still smell the hints of lemon and rose. Laying the dress on the floor, I step into the bath, feeling the still warm water rise to cover my chest and folded legs. Esme must have just ran this not too long ago, the tea sitting on the table beside me is still hot. Just as she hoped it would be.

Drinking from the cup greedily, I wash the day's dirt and grime from my body, washing out the tangles in my hair, pleating it in a braid once I've washed it. I sink my head under the water, right up to my ears, and relax a bit, thinking of the few days I have been in the Southern Kingdom. I think about Elera, Leon, and Techno.

I think about the scar across his face, blinding him. I think of his position in the King's military, and about how long he has served. Someone in his position in that little time? It's truly impressive. I wish only for how he accomplished such a feat.

Raising from the bath, rinsing off the suds, I wrap myself in a fluffy towel, wringing out the few drops of water from my now undone hair. The braid didn't look right to me, not with that dress. I felt as if it would make my shoulders look too broad.

As I dry the rest of my body off, I think of how tonight will go. Elera will be announced to marry the High Prince Azriel, Leon if he even shows will probably be heartbroken. I hope Azriel already told him, or maybe he doesn't even know..

Maybe it was a secret between the Kings, Queens, and my sister. Maybe they wanted it to be a surprise, for everyone, including the members of the marriage.

Arranged marriages are common in the royal line, it is hardly ever for love, most are for alliances, for territory claims or trade routes. The unluckier lower courts are more subjected to it than the high royals, like the Princes or Princesses. It's more likely the lower courts would try to arrange a marriage between their sons and daughters to the King's, it is a very common practice for Princes and Princesses to marry into other royal family lines.
My own father arranged to marry my mother, they were lucky enough to fall in love before it was to be announced. King Alford and Queen Naomi were arranged as well, the Queen is from a coastal court no longer around, it fell a little before the war, they were wed around the same time and my mother and father.

No matter how common the practice is, I still hurt for my sister when I think of the fact she will never marry for love. Azriel is three years younger than my sister, making him 24, the same as Leon. The two are actually three days apart in birth, it's safe to say that they hit it off from the start. It's no wonder my brother looks at Azriel the way he does.

Elera has always talked of her dreams of settling down with a well respected man of the court, she even exchanged letters with a few suitors back home, none ever met her expectations sadly. I continue to think of my family and how the rest of the night will play out as I pull the dress over my head, fixing my hair into a low lying knot at the base of my neck, I pull a few strands to frame my face and curl them around my finger, they fall in little ringlets.

I smooth the gems and pearls of my dress before draping on the earrings, adjusting the shoes so they fit a little more comfortably. The collar of the neck was oddly comfortable as well, for it being made of pearls and rubies. I wasn't sure how I was feeling about the dress, but seeing it on, I loved how it made my body look.

It wasn't too tight, and not too loose. It had the perfect amount of movement in the skirts and with no corset I felt my lungs take a much needed breath. I take in my appearance in the vanity mirror, opting for light makeup around my eyes, and a darkened waterline. I was never good at makeup, no one ever taught me to do my own, it was always a servant who did it for me. I guess I took it for granted most of the time.

I sigh, flattening the gray dress, watching the fabric shimmer as the lantern lights pass over it. I hear the music begin downstairs, hear the clapping of hands and the cheers of guests. I guess it's time to leave.

But not without my tiara.


Smile, I've returned from the depths of hell

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Smile, I've returned from the depths of hell

𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙠 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙙𝙮Where stories live. Discover now