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2. Warm Welcomes

Mother was the first out of the carriage and went straight for father, a smile on her face, Elera following at her heels. Leon waited for me to go next, it was an unspoken rule that the women of the family get out of a carriage first, then followed by the men. My brother waited with his hands fixing his dark hair, fluffy curls dangling in his eyes, mother would be scolding him by now.

Taking a last minute deep breath, I stood from the carriage and smoothed out the non-existent wrinkles in my dress. The door to the carriage was closed, but I could see the outline of one of the guards outside, waiting for me to leave. I felt awkward by staying here for so long, like I was making everyone wait. So I gently pushed the carriage door with my hand, telling the guard to let me out, and he did.

Stepping out of the carriage was worse than staying inside of it. The nobles turned to each other in low whispers, making me feel more like a circus animal than a human. I had to imagine they weren't saying hurtful things, I was royalty after all, but with an overthinking mind made that simple task hard. I couldn't tell if they were laughing at me as I walked to my mother's side, or laughing at something else. I couldn't tell if they were commenting on my dress, or on how I looked, or on how I walked, I didn't know.

Pushing the negative thoughts from my mind, I try and focus on the positive things, like how once all of the welcoming procedures were over with, I could sleep in one of the huge beds. I could get out of this corset and slip into something more comfortable, like some trousers or something better than this dress. The thought brings comfort to my nerves.

Leon exists last, a slight smirk on his face, his curls fanning around as he strutted towards us, hands in his pockets. I thought he looked extremely stupid, but apparently he thought he looked cool.

Our family together beside the other royals, mother began the conversation.

"Oh Naomi dear, where is your son? I'm sure he wouldn't want to miss the celebrations," Mother asks, taking fathers arm who waited patiently for his wife to do so. The other nobles took their leave, and their whispers with them.

Queen Naomi smiles, and turns, gesturing for us all to head into the main castle, away from the questioning eyes. "Azriel will be here shortly, he said he had a few things to take care of first, whatever they may be." The Queen replies, her long black dress trailing behind her as the six of us walked into the grey walled castle.

I wasn't paying attention to the conversation after that, simply taking in the castle interior. I've been here time after time, year after year, and it never ceases to amaze me. From the huge windows to the large portraits hanging on the walls. From the way the light filters through the windows just right, not enough to blind, but enough to make you see the small cracks on the walls, and the smoothness of tiles underfoot. The darker color pallet, and the pale walls made everything look extremely tidy and clean, made it look beautiful. I've run through these castle halls more than I can remember, nothing ever changed, but I loved it either way.

"Well!" Kind Alford claps his hands together for a moment, mother and Queen Naomi having ended their conversation moments ago, and were now listening to the King. "I'm sure your travels have been very tiresome, I can have a servant take you to your rooms if you'd like?" The king says warmly, snapping his fingers to call for a servant, he didn't wait for our answer. Though I'm glad he didn't, skips the awkward replies.

A boy with blonde hair and green, taped glasses answers the King's call, as does an older woman with emerald green eyes. They both bow to the royals, and wait for further instructions. They smiled to my family, genuine smiles. They must be treated well here.

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