Chapter 28: The beginning

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Author's note: I will probably started using images from now on to tell the story even better


She was free. Finally Arya could finish what had started years ago. For the average elf she'd be still a child. But what she was about to do no other elf could ever imagine to do.
She materialized a couple hundred meter away from the enemy troops.
Still in a Floral Summer dress she started floating higher and higher until she was about 10 meter above ground.
And then with an amplified voice she gave the army in front of her the option. Retreat now and demobilize immediately or face doom.
The army continued moving forward. After waiting a bit in case they change their minds Arya created a blue armor set out of thin air which changed her entire appearance.

-Arya before the fight-

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-Arya before the fight-

Her face was marked with a symbol that almost nobody knew what it meant and her Eyes were glowing.
She drew her swords and started running towards the front lines.

It wasn't a short battle. There were a few battalions that had wizards protecting them. They were focused in the heart of the army which led to Arya destroying the other parts of the army first. She knew that there were a decent amount of elves among these troops so she was careful at the beginning not knowing how much strength and speed she had gained in the last 2 weeks.

It took her a couple hours to get rid of the battalions that didn't have any protection as she was being careful. She took a step back before facing the last 5 battalions. They were heavily armored and filled with the strongest warriors and elfs the army could find. Her blades were dripping of all the blood yet her armor didn't show a single crack.

This would be one of the most draining battles as she'd have to prevent hundreds of wizards from taking control of her mind while simultaneously going through thousands of soldiers.

She opened the battle by charging forward with her blades dancing in her hands. One warrior after another she went straight through the middle of the army. Strike after Strike. Hit after Hit. She marched forward letting her swords be guided by Feruña. Ever since she had visited the sacred place the world seemed to move so much slower and a lot of things she just let the Magic of the place guide her actions. If she wanted she could intervene but there was no reason to do so at the moment.
After hours of slaying her enemies there were only the eleven traitors and human wizards among the army alive. It was at least 100 of them all of them frozen on the spot trying with all their might to conquer her mind to stop her.
While defending all of them simultaneously and effortless she walked up to them and slaughtered the humans among them. The elves deserved a fate worse than this.
She took a step back and within a split second swapped her armor back to a dress and the symbol on her face disappeared.

She took a step back and within a split second swapped her armor back to a dress and the symbol on her face disappeared

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She started walking towards the traitors. Some of them now recognised her while some were still clueless
(authors note: keep in mind she is still a child and these elfs left the tribe before the war so before she was 3 and she had never actively participated in a battle yet)
The ones that recognised who she was started asking for forgiveness and begging to be spared.
She knew she couldn't forgive any of them. For what they had done for betraying their own people. Yet something was holding her back from ending all of them in this very instance.
Instead she casted a spell immediately causing all of them to fall in a trance.
They were able to see and hear everything around them yet they couldn't do anything. She slowly started walking through their lines. Listening to their thoughts.
Who is she
What just happened
Why can I not move
Why did my protection spells didn't protect me
Who is this little girl
"Say that again" after that last thought she turned to the elf that was thinking it.
Why does she know what I was thinking
"None of your thoughts are save from me" she exclaimed
Only Claelrilr has the ability to do that
"Who do you think taught me" She flicked her head to the elf that thought it that
"You all may not know me so I should introduce myself" she took a break. "I am Arya daughter of King Liútarîn I've been Queen for the past years after my mother has passed away and now I am your destiny. You all always thought this was a close war where you stood a chance. In reality I could've ended it years ago. -
I can read the doubt in your thoughts why would I not end the war if I could. The answer is I was scared. I'm not anymore and since you're my first victims but also the worst as all of you are traitors to your own people. To your own family you deserve to know what fate awaits you. Some of you have heard of the sacred place Feruña and that no one ever survived visiting it. You've had the honour today to fight against the only person that survived it. And now you shall always be by my side as my support wether you want or not. Your energy will be my energy. Your knowledge will be my knowledge. Your mind will fight for mine." With that she casted another spell turning all of the elfs into stones which shrunk down until they were not larger than gravel. After some thought she casted another spell which had all of the stones vanished and put them in a place not in this world but also not outside. They would now always be transported a couple meter above and behind her.
With her work done Arya vanished leaving a crater behind where she last stood.

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