Surprise!! (Pt 2)

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Tom's P.O.V

"What the fuck..." I stared at the test wide eyed

I looked up at him as he started speaking "Wait you didn't know about this? I was gonna ask when you were gonna tell me but not even you know?!"

I shushed him so no one would hear him "No, no I didn't know.. Where did you find this? I would say it's one of her family members but they haven't visited us in weeks"

"The trash man. Maybe you should ask Y/N about this" I sighed and looked back to the living room

"If it's her's then.. Shit man I'mma be a dad" I chuckled and leaned on the wall

"The others and I will be uncle's" Bill said laughing "Come on man you need to ask her now"

He patted my back as I nodded "Shit man there's gonna be a little Y/N or you running around here"

I breathed in and out "Alright come on I gotta ask them"

We both walked back to the others Bill made the test visible "Umm darling.."

"Yea" She turned over to me and the smile she had once on her face slowly disappeared as she saw the pregnancy test

Your P.O.V

I saw the test in Bill's hand, Tom next to him shit they both saw it what am I going to do

I breathed out shakily as he started speaking "Is this um yours?"

I was going to lie but there was no point in doing so. I got up and slowly nodded "Yea it's mine"

I looked down waiting for something to happen, I heard footsteps coming towards me

A pair of arms then hugged me "I'm going to be a dad?" I looked up at him and nodded

"You're not mad?" He shook his head "I'm happy!" He then lifted me up and held me tighter

I started tearing up, he's happy not mad "We're having a kid!" He exclaimed as the others smiled

Georg, Gustav, and Bill all hugged us and were just happy to be getting a niece or nephew

I had happy tears running down my face, Tom wiping them away before kissing my lips.. 

Tom ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz