Getting taught

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Your P.O.V

I was heading to the Kaulitz home since Tom said he would teach me how to play guitar. I always wanted to learn but I couldn't afford a class to teach me how. When I had told Tom that he said he wouldn't mind teaching me

Once I arrived I knocked on the door waiting to be let in. As I took my phone out to text Tom that I was there he had already opened the door. "Hey come on in"

I looked up at him and smiled, since I didn't want to see rude I had taken my shoes off before entering. I put them near the door "Alright follow me"

Tom led me to his room were I had immediately jumped onto his bed "God why is your bed so soft and comfy. I could sleep in it all day"

"Well don't you have lessons" He sat next to me and grabbed his guitar

"Yup" I sat up and looked at his guitar "May I?"

He chuckled and nodded giving it to me "Alright so just keep your hand right here" He placed my hand on the neck of the guitar then my other hand holding the chip on the body of the guitar

I looked over to him and saw he was just inches away from me. I quickly looked away looking back at the guitar. He cleared his throat then spoke "Ok um trying playing something real quick so you could get the hang of it.

I nodded and started playing the guitar it wasn't bad but it wasn't that good either. I hadn't realized Tom had gotten behind me till I heard him speak

"Not bad let's move your hand up when you wanna do a different tune like this" He had then grabbed my hand and moved it up. He kept moving my hands around showing me the ways of the guitar

After a while of him teaching me I had gotten the hang off it and played it decently. "Ay you got the hang of it" I nodded and took the guitar off before turning around and hugging him

"Thank you so much Tom" I felt him hug me back, he lowered his head into the crook of my neck and mumbled a "You're welcome"

We didn't move for a few minutes until Tom's bedroom door opened. I looked over and saw Bill "And I'm walking back out. Be safe!" He said as he closed the door

I had stopped hugging Tom and quickly sat next to him. He yelled something in German I'm guessing he was cursing at Bill.

I just sat there and giggled at them. Tom looked over at me before he started to laugh as well. We stayed there laughing for the rest of the day..

Tom ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt