Surprise!! (Pt 1)

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Your P.O.V

As I was sitting down on the toilet seat I just stared at the test. How am I going to tell tom? How is he going to react? Will he leave? All those questions flooded my mind as I stared at it

A knock at the door had made my thoughts stop "Babe are you ok in there" It was Tom I had to answer before he comes in

"Yea I'm fine! I'll be out in a bit!" I quickly said while looking for a place to hide it I grabbed a plastic bag and put the test in it.

Putting it in the trash can I quickly put toilet paper before washing my hands and walking out

Once I walked out Tom wasn't outside anymore I walked to the living room and saw him on the couch. I breathed in and out slowly before walking to him and sitting next to him

"You sure you was good" I looked at him and nodded smiling

"Yes I'm sure how about we call the band over to hang out, it's been a while" Tom nodded and grabbed his phone

"I'll call Bill you get the snacks ready" I chucked and got up while nodding

While Tom called Bill, I started taking some snacks from the pantry setting it up

After a few minutes we heard a knock on the door. Tom had gotten up and opened the door revealing the band

When I saw them I immediately went to hug them all greeting them. I led them to the living room while Tom grabbed the snacks.

"So you guys wanna watch a movie" Bill immediately nodded while the others exclaimed

"Yea of course" Georg had said as he sat on one of the couches

Tom and I sat on the double couch he then wrapped his arm around me as I laid my head on his shoulder

They had picked a random movie and after halfway through the movie Bill had gone to the bathroom

He was gone for a while I turned to Tom "What's taking him forever" He had just shrugged

"I'll check up on him" I nodded and turned back to the movie as he walked away

Tom's P.O.V

I walked to the main bathroom and knocked on the door "Dude you good you're missing the best part in the movie"

"Yea I'm fine just umm" Bill opened the door and showed me a pregnancy test

"What the fuck..."

(To be continued...)

Tom ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now