Of course she was a gin girl. Floral, but bitter, a little biting if you didn't mix it with the right thing. I needed to figure out how I was going to be in a situation where I was going to buy her a drink.

"Maybe she hit her head or something," Jeff said. I felt my face flush at the memory of smashing Eric over the head and cleared my throat.

"Alright, you pricks – I'm going to go see my girl about a job," I announced, clapping my hands together. Gareth groaned.

"Please don't call her that to her face," he begged. I smirked and jogged out of the trailer, leaving the boys behind like I used to before I left. I piled into the van and started my way to the bar.

I drummed on the steering wheel, really excited for the first time in a while. I was excited I had an actual job opportunity, excited that I was going to see Elle, excited that there was the potential of her being a little nicer today. I let out a whoop and sped up, getting giddier by the minute.

I parked, grinning as the parking lot looked more like it used to when I went – almost empty. I hopped out and tried not to skip inside. My eyes adjusted to the darkness as I stepped in, and I grinned as I saw Elle on the stage.

She was pointing up at the lights, ordering cues and laughing when whoever was controlling them turned on the wrong light. She looked incredible, as usual – her dark hair in big curls and cascading over her shoulders. I traced her body – she was in a different black dress, but it had sheer material in different areas along her body, allowing me to see other tattoos splayed across it. I saw a floral design on her side and wondered what the rest of it looked like.

"Can I help you?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the voice and turned to a gruff looking man who had long, white hair. I wondered if I would look like him when I got older. I smiled and stuck my hand out.

"Eddie Munson, sir – I'm here for the security job," I explained, taking his hand. He furrowed his brows, confused. I faltered. "Um, Elle talked—"

"Grant, this is the guy who helped last night."

Elle was bustling towards us, not looking at me. I grinned at her.

"Hi, Belle," I said, my smile growing. She barely looked at me before going back to this man. Before she could keep talking, the man pulled me into a large hug, engulfing me in his embrace.

"Grant, please," Elle groaned.

"Thank you for protecting our Ellie-girl," Grant boomed, holding me close. I felt another flash of recognition but couldn't figure out what was nagging at the back of my brain. He pulled back, his once gruff face now soft and full of gratitude.

"Grant, let him go," Elle repeated. Grant kept his hands on my shoulders and grinned at me.

"I don't think you understand how precious she is to us," he explained. "I would have never forgiven myself if something happened to her."

"I'm just glad I could have been here," I replied, my chest filling with pride. I glanced at Elle, and she looked away quickly. Her makeup looked nice too. I wanted to reach out and stroke her hair like I did last night.

"Okay, Grant – do you want to hire him or not? He has previous experience, and is well-versed with the Hideout," Elle continued, looking at her clipboard. I loved how down-to-business she was.

"I'd give him the bar as a thanks for what he did for you – of course he can have the job," Grant gushed, clapping my back. I grinned.

"Thank you, sir, I'm really looking forward to it," I replied. I turned to Elle, beaming at her. She was her usual stoic self, and it made me crazier for her. Grant sighed happily and pulled Elle into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Ellie-girl," he repeated. I felt that familiar nagging again. She rolled her eyes but smiled in spite of herself. I loved her smile.

"I am, too, Grant," she replied, placating him. He finally dropped her and went behind the bar. I took a step close to her, grinning wider. I clasped my hands behind my back and waited for her to look up from her clipboard. She finally did and raised an eyebrow.

"Hi, Belle – I said it earlier, but I don't think you heard me," I flirted, winking at her. She rolled her eyes.

"I heard you, Mr. Munson, I chose not to respond," she said, turning on her heel. I felt my stomach flip and started following her.

"It does things to me when you call me that, Belle," I said, practically underfoot of her. She scoffed.

"It's just your name," she replied.

"It's like a melody when you say it, though," I quipped. I saw a smile tug at the sides of her mouth and decided to push it. I leaned close to her face, making sure I didn't touch her. "You look even lovelier than usual."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. Munson," she responded flatly. I saw her cheeks pinken a bit and I grinned.

"Can you blame a man for trying?"

"I can definitely blame you," she said.

I was in love.

She set her clipboard down and started wrapping cords. I immediately started helping her and trying to be as useful as possible. We reached for the same cord and our hands brushed – I locked eyes with her and felt electricity coarse through my body. It felt like we were there for hours. Her eyes were so bright and pretty – why did she feel so familiar to me?


I stood quickly and tucked my hair behind my ear. I felt like my body was on fire and my hand was tingly. I cleared my throat.

"Th-thank you for your help," I said. I wanted to kick myself. I was so pathetic. One stray touch from Eddie Munson and I was the girl who was head over heels for him again. I cleared my throat. "It's good to know you're good for something."

He belly-laughed and stood up, his eyes crinkled. God, regardless of how much I hated him he was really attractive. He shook his head.

"You know how to keep my ego in check, Belle," he flirted. I raised an eyebrow.

"It would take the full American army to keep your ego in check, Mr. Munson," I quipped. He set a hand over his heart.

"Does things to me, Belle," he replied. I rolled my eyes.

"I need you to be at the front door. Check ID's, keep people in line," I explained walking away. I felt my stomach drop. "And...and if...if he shows up—"

"He won't even get past the front door. I promise," he said. I nodded tightly and went back to the bar.

I watched him as I cleaned glasses, observing him as he introduced himself to people and made them laugh. I wondered if he would stay late and have a shift drink. We could have a shift drink together.

I shook my head. Holy shit, get it together, Belle.

Fuck. Elle.

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