The Lans arrived just before noon. The sect Leader, his wife and their two children were waiting for them by the gate as soon as a disciple came to inform them that they've arrived. Greetings were exchange before they moved to the dining hall. They all sit down while tea was served. Keeping true to their no talking while eating. They had their tea in silence. Lan Qiren 's eyes swept over the two children of the sect Leader wondering where the other boy was. He was not the only one even his brother was wondering. They did not specified why they were coming but the way the sect madam smile and her son looks at his boys he has a incling they know.

When they were eventually finished sect Leader let Jiang asked. "Sect Leader Lan to what do we owe this honor from a visit from you. It's nice to see that you finally decided to come out of seclusion". Said sect Leader looked at him for some time before he said. "Sect Leader Jiang we came here about a promise that was made between my late wife and the late cangse sanren. We have the letter for you to read".
He took the letter out of his sleeve and gave it to sect Leader Jiang. Madam Yu was not impressed. She was livid. That bitch try to steal something that doesn't belongs to her. My son deserves this. He deserves to be betrothal to one of the jades. Preferably the second jade. He can marry out he's just a second heir. My son is the heir of his sect. If they think I will allow them to take that servant away from here they got another thing coming. She tried very hard to keep her emotions in tact not to let zidian spark. She watch as her husband read the letter. A small furrow between his brow. The Lans wait patiently for him to finish.

Is he just going to read it and not say anything. Running out of patience she grab the letter from him and read it herself. Before her husband could speak she said. " Sect Leader Lan we are sorry but we can't except this letter. We don't know if it is authentic. You could've forge it before coming here. That boy belongs to us. My husband found him on the streets and he owes us for taking him in. I will not allow anyone to take him away from here. Unless you want a better fit for your son. My A-Cheng is the perfect omega. I'm willing to negotiate a betrothal between my son and yours if not you can leave my sect". She looked at the Lans changeling. She will not let that servant steal what belongs to my son. " Sect Leader Jiang I think you should teach your wife some manners. I will not let she insult me or my sons. I allow you to make a decision out of courtesy to make the right decisions but it seems that you are still hiding under your omegas skirts. Now I'm telling you go fetch the boy right now. He is not you property madam Yu. If you want a alpha for your son go look somewhere else. And another thing this will not be an alliance you won't get anything out of it. I hope that I made myself clear".Sect Leader Lan you must understand Wei Ying will bring you nothing. He's a beta. He can't give you any heirs. Where as my son can give you that. And an alliance between us would be very fruitful ". He could not let this opportunity goes to waste. He agree with his wife wholeheartedly. His wife smile triumphant next to him.

Did these people think we came here to negotiate than they are gravely mistaken." Sect Leader Jiang I will not tell you again. Go and call Wei Ying right now. We are not interested in your son. Do you really think that I would A-Zhan marry into your sect. Where mother and son have no regards for others. And you have just showed me what type of person you are. Spineless coward. I will not keep on repeating myself. As you can see I'm slowly losing my patience ". Sect Leader Lan says while his pheromones are starting to spike. The sect Leader had no choice but to send one the servants to go call Wei Ying. When he arrived he bowed to the sect Leader and the guests." You call for this one sect Leader. What can I do?. A-Xian these are the Lans and they came here to talk to you about something." This one is Wei Ying. This one greets sect Leader Lan. Master Lan. Sect heir Lan and Second Master Lan. How may I be off assistance? And what is that sect Leader wants to talk about?." Sect Leader Lan looks at him and smile. " You look just like your mother and you got your father's eyes. But why does your eyes looks so sad? You are way to young to look that. The reason we came here today is because of a Promise Made years ago between your late mother and my wife. A promise that if something should happened to them that my wife should take care of you. But unfortunately my wife also passed away. I went into seclusion. Long story short not only had they made a promise they also draw up a betrothal between you and my second son Lan Wanji".

Lan Zhan stood up and bow to Wei Ying who returned it. When they lift their heads their eyes met. Silvery grey met honey golden eyes. Wei Ying could not helped the blush that krept up his cheeks. Before him stood the most beautiful boy he has ever seen or laid eyes on. Really he is a God amongst their mere mortals. Descended from heaven to grace them with his presence. An angel to light their way. Lan Zhan could do nothing but to stare into those silver grey eyes. They are beautiful. Oh and Wei Ying look so beautiful with that blush on his cheeks. The boys were brought out of their mesmerizing
by the sound of a whip. Lan Zhan wasn't even thinking he push Wei Ying behind him while putting his arm up. The only thing you could smell was burn flesh. Madam Yu eyes went big in her head so did her husband. She just attacked a main member of the Lan Sect.

" Lan Zhan are you oriaat. Does it hurt of course it does. Come let me take you to the healers". Wei Ying said. But before they can walk out. "Wei Ying look what you've done. You are nothing but trouble. It's your fault that the second master got hurt. You think you deserve him. You don't. You're a nobody just a son of a servant. Trying to step above your station. Have you no shame". Madam Yu sneered. Sect Leader Lan walked closer to madam Yu. "You laid a hand on my son and no less with zidian. So let me asked you if I do the same to your son will that be justified. But I'm not that cruel unlike you. So let's see how you will get along without your precious zidian. Take it off now before I break your arm". She had no choice but to take it off and gave it to her husband who by now is absolutely speechless. Sect Leader Lan grab her arm. She started screaming. And then he systematic breaking her fingers one by one, then her wrist, her elbow and then her collarbone. He did the same with her other arm. And then he said to her husband send for a healer. Which the man did. When the healer arrived. He turn to her and then back to madam Yu. He looked her straight in the eyes and then he sealed her spiritual power. " If anyone unseal it or even attempt to. I will come back and kill them with her. She's a hateful, jealous bitch. Who thinks her children deserve better than others. Everybody is beneath them when the truth is they are nothing but bullies. Today is your arms, tomorrow is your life. You all forget who I am. I'm not someone to traverse with. Remember that madam Yu and sect Leader Jiang. And we taking Wei Ying. He does not belong to your sect anymore. He now belongs to Gusulan Sect. And if any of you even think of hurting him I will personally kill you. Come get the boys and go. See if Wei Ying wants to take anything with him. Xichen you go with him". Yes father after that they all stood up and leave. Finding Lan Zhan and Wei Ying waiting outside already got his things and then they left. All sect Leader Jiang could do was watch will his wife is squirming in pain. His son is seething in anger and Yanli thanking the gods above for the Lans. She hopes her A-Xian will finally learn how to smile and laugh again. Like the first time he got here before her mother and brother took that away from. She will miss him. But all she wants is for her brother to be happy and away from this toxic family. She herself can't wait to leave and start a new life and a family of her own. She hope she will one day be able to asked him forgiveness for not better shielding him from her father, mother and brother. She stood up and walk to quarters some alone time would do her some good.

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