But I did not think you liked it...

Start from the beginning

"But I did not think you liked it..." Nines commented.

"I'm not a fan... it tastes like shit... but I can drink it." You explained to Nines who glanced towards the drinks again before nodding at you. "I would like to try it, if that is okay?" Nines inquired and rather than responding you called out to the bar tender instead.

"Could I please have a straight vodka?" You asked as they nodded then went to work to get you a vodka. "I'm so going to regret this..."

"Is it really that bad?" Nines questioned with his eyes wide.

"Oh it won't be for you... it won't burn your throat. It will mine." You laughed expecting his face to relax but it didn't, he just looked even more concerned now. "It is going to burn your throat?!" Nines exclaimed keeping his voice relatively quiet.

"Not literally! It just leaves a burning feeling because the alcohol level is so high!" You explained as his face relaxed a small amount, the bar tender placed the drink down onto the bar in front of you. "Thank you." With that you pulled out your money to pay for the drink, once you had paid you picked it up off of the bar surface and made your way back towards Hank and Connor.

Reaching the table you gestured for Nines to go in first, which he did. Hank was eyeing your drink up like he was trying to figure out what you had.

"Is that straight vodka?" Hank asked you as you gave a small nod in response.

"Why are you drinking straight vodka?!" Connor asked his voice panicked, his LED started to glow yellow. "That type of vodka is forty percent alcohol!"

"I said one drink... I never said what kind of drink..." You shrugged as Hank began to chuckle, clearly proud of your response to Connor. Instead of drinking it you pushed it towards Nines and nodded down to it. "Go on... try it."

"Very well." Nines mumbled as he picked it up and raised it to his lips, he looked to you so you nodded at him in encouragement. "Go Nines!" You sang as he took a small sip of the alcohol, it didn't take long for his face to scrunch up in disgust.

"That is quite simply awful... I do not understand how humans enjoy the taste of it" Nines stated as both you and Hank began to laugh at him, Nines pushed the glass back towards you his face still disgusted. "Well he's got the analytic program so I'm not gonna argue with him and I know it tastes like shit anyway." You laughed before picking the glass up and putting it to your lips. "Prepare to be amazed."

With that you downed the rest of the glass, pulling the glass away from your face you began coughing from the burning sensation in your throat.

"You only have yourself to blame, Y/N!" Hank chuckled while you continued to cough, all the while making disgusted sounds.

"Oh fuck... still disgusting!" You coughed as you felt Nines's hand drop onto your thigh, in a supportive way.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" Connor asked looking up at him you raised a hand and put a thumbs up to him. "Bloody fantastic, thanks for asking..." You coughed out, as you slammed the same hand down onto the table.

That's when Connor began to laugh, the only one who wasn't laughing was Nines.

"I'm... I'm sorry... your accent... just makes it so funny!" Connor exclaimed as his laughter increased and so did Hanks, glancing at Nines you could tell he was fighting the urge to laugh himself. "Even blue eyes... looks entertained!" Hank laughed at he pointed to Nines who shook his head 'no'.

'Not even offended by them finding it funny... just nice to see everyone happy around each other...' You thought to yourself finally getting over the burning feeling in your throat.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now