{9 - A Song, A Dream, A Decision}

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I sit for a few moments, staring at the contract in my hand. Sighing, I get up to get ready for bed, I need to sleep. As I'm passing the second living room, I hear the beginning of a song. I stop to listen.

The remaining dwarves had all moved from the dining room to the living room and were now humming deeply. I wanted to peek inside but I didn't want to disturb them. Someone started to sing. I don't know who it was, but his voice was deep and gravelly, but perfect.

"Far over... the Misty Mountains cold..." some of the hummers hummed with the lyrics, others hummed a background tune, "to dungeons deep... and caverns old...we must away... at break of day..." the song was getting deeper, "to find our long...forgotten gold..." somebody joined the first. "The pines were roaring... on the height..." more singers, "the winds were moaning... in the night..." more voices. I continued to listen but moved to the other room and sat down, they were loud enough. "The fire was red...it flaming spread..." I watch the fire in my fireplace "the trees like torches... blazed with light..." they went quiet.

I listened as my front door opened and shut, the bustling of the dwarf's feet exiting the smial. I should have been relieved when all was quiet once more, but I actually missed their bustling and singing, even if I only knew them for one day.


I fell asleep peacefully, no noise, no disturbances, nothing. Perfect.

But my dream was far from perfect.

I watched from the sidelines as a young she-hobbit stood in the woods looking around as if expecting someone. After a few moments of pacing back and forth in the same spot, a shape emerged from the trees. The she-hobbit jumped and turned around as she heard twigs snap behind her, but when she saw who it was, she completely melted and a smile appeared on her face.

"You scared me," the she-hobbit smiled at the newcomer.

I tried to make out his face but it was covered in shadows. I tried to step forward only to learn that I couldn't. I continued to watch.

"I'm sorry, d'amrâlimê, that was never my intention." His voice was sweet and rich with an accent I could only describe as elvish.

"Just don't do it again," the she-hobbit replied jokingly.

They were silent for a moment before the tall elf took three long strides to the much smaller she-hobbit, scoping her up in his arms and spinning around. As they did, I saw the platinum blonde hair of the elf.

The she-hobbit cupped the elf's face in her hands as their foreheads touched.

"I missed you, my king," she says with a voice filled of love.

"And I missed you, my sweet Belladonna," He responds as they share a passionate kiss. When they stopped I got a good look at the she-hobbit.

I gasp as I recognize her. Belladonna. she-hobbit. My mother.

The elf starts to talk again, "you said you had news for me," he whispers across my mother's lips. "Is it good or bad?" He pecks her nose as they sit down.

"That depends on your definition of good and bad," she smiles at him, her musical voice now familiar to my ears. "But I guess you could say that my news is in between the meter."

"Okay, is something wrong though?" he asks, his voice filled with concern for his lover.

"No, nothing is wrong," she cups his cheek as he leans into it, "everything is good."

They sat there quietly, enjoying each other's company.

"Thranduil," my mother speaks timidly. Finally a name.

A Hobbits Secrets - The Hobbitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن