Time off

862 19 7

This chapter mostly contributes to Y/N's backstory as a character

Sorry for the delay in the chapters!

"We need to talk, Simon please go outside" I watched Ghost get up and walk out and Price pulled a chair up

A pause before Price sighed and looked over to Laswell

"I think you should take some time to yourself Y/N" Price said

His head low

The room was silent
Not a single noise

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying you will be going home Y/N, one month off"


"Dont." his voice was stern and made me freeze

"No more excuses, you finished a mission you shouldn't have been on anyway, I shouldn't have approved it. You freaked out on this mission and killed the man we were supposed to take and not only that but you stabbed him 7 times even after he was dead" he spoke again

"I don't get it though, why send me off the base, why not just keep me here?" Laswell stepped up

"You need some time away from a base, away from the guns, the military Y/N," She said, her voice was calm, as a mother talking to a child would be

I thought for a long while and I heard him click his tongue

"You okay kid?"

"That's it?" I said

My eyes burned and I closed them as I sighed

"Not going to argue?" he retorted

I paused

"I think I really need some sleep"

Looking at Price's face he looked almost apologetic

He looked sad

"I'm sorry Y/N but I only agreed to send you out for this"

"I know price, it's ok"
It wasn't ok, I was upset, more upset than ever

But I was also tired

He came up to me and patted my back before telling me to go pack

Price walked out and Laswell looked at me

"Laswell I want to stay with the 141... If I come back" I said and she looked back at me

"Alright I'll file the paperwork," she said before giving a weak smile and walking out, I followed closely behind her

"Oh and Y/N?" she turned and spoke


"You are coming back"

As I left the room Simon just looked down at his own hands and I held my head up clenched my jaw and went to my room

There wasn't much to pack and I didn't know where I would go but I knew where I would start

My hometown

A small backpack was all I had to bring with

Dog tags, a blanket, some clothes

I wasn't going to tell anybody, not yet

As I set the bag down on my bed I sighed

Price had given me a heads-up, I have 25 hours before my train leaves

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