Broken promises

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This chapter contains descriptions of torture, implied assult and gore

"Ghost get up!"

"Ghost fucking get up!"

"Please, PLEASE don't do this!"

"Simon get up please!" my cries became more desperate with every call my voice cracking


He lay there lifeless, I cried and screamed

I kicked at the man holding me down

"He isn't dead" The man said

"LET HIM GO PLEASE!" I screamed

I kicked him again, I continued to struggle and scream, my head throbbed from the repeated hitting against the cement

My lip was split and my nose was bleeding, I was sore and my whole face felt bruised

"If you lay down quietly and stop struggling we will let him go"

I sat and thought about it, my life for his

It was doable

"Ok" I stopped struggling and felt my chest against the floor rise and fall

"You really are that desperate to save him"



They stopped, let me up and a medic came in and started working on him

"We will let him go as soon as his wounds are mended, if we can't find the 141 they  will come to us"

I sat and breathed heavily, every breath like my lungs were screaming for help

"It's such a shame that you are such an issue, you are so pretty"
He ran his hand on my face


I screamed at him

He disgusted me

His breathe smelled of tequila and his hands we calloused and rough


The last thing I saw was him bringing his arm back and hitting me and then black

My head throbbed against the cold cement

My face numb

Ghost wasn't there anymore

"G..g-host" my words slurred and slow

"Your friend was dropped at your base, with a note they know your here"

"Your taunting them"


I sat up and I could feel my heartbeat throughout my body

My body lurching at every beat

"You look like shit

"Yeah I wonder why" I spit at him

He sat in the corner sharpening a knife.

"I want to write a letter to my team, let me"

"A letter?"

I nodded he laughed a bit before leaving and coming back with a pen and paper

I wrote, diligently, I put all my feeling into this letter my blood dripping on the edge of the paper.

"I'll write the address on the envelope and hand it to the mail carrier myself"


"Then how will I deliver it"

"One of my men will"

"Why didn't you just attack the base?"

"Because I have physiological advance here"

"Your such a little coward"

He stood up and took the envelope from my hands

"I will be delivering this"

"I hope you will corporate now that I've been nice"

The door slammed shut again.

I put my face into my knees and choked back my own tears

This was hell, undergoing training for it never prepares you for it

It's breaking

Being locked in a silent room sweating with only white noise to fill your ears

My wounds throbed and every time I moved it was worse, I could feel my muscles tightening

After at least 3 more hours of silence, I kept counting to distract myself

Bonderav walked in the same taser he had earlier on his waist, a gun in a holster on the other side

"Are you going to be nice now?"

I stayed silent

I knew he was going to do anything to make me talk

I wouldn't

"Fine be it"

One of his men picked me up from behind holding me by my hair in the air

Bonderav kept on hitting me and when he realized it wasn't working he resorted to the taser

I was scared

"I wish I didn't have to do this" he joked before I heard the crackling of electricity, a blindfold was slipped over my head and I was hung from the cuffs on my hand

I was terrified

It started in small jolts but ramped up quickly, he would hold the prongs against my skin for anywhere from 3 seconds to 30 seconds

My screams filled the room and I felt tears soaking my blindfold

I was weak and my breathing ragged, my throat sore and dry

I was glad I couldn't see his smile

I knew he was

"Wow, you are determined to die silently?"

One of the men said

Suddenly the rough texture of the taser changed into a smooth cold and sharp

"My men will make you talk, I have other business" I heard the door slam and one man laugh

I felt the sharp metal dig into my skin, ripping through my arms

I tried not to scream

Not to give them the satisfaction

Feeling myself being ripped apart, I cried and I begged that if there was a God he would come save me

Finally everything stopped, I felt blood run down my arms and legs, down my stomach and face

I was on fire and it made me so much angrier that I couldn't defend myself

"She still didn't talk" my ears were ringing and the voices echoed in my head

I was so tired

"You are resilient just like your big friend"

"Please, just kill me" I begged

He cut my cuffs and I fell onto my knees

"Let's see how resilient you are against this"

I heard a gun click and felt it against my head


I want to see the stars again

919 words

all fair in love and war  (mw2 x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें