The casino

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"Your a mole for Bonderav?"

"We figured we could bring her on since you two already know each other" Laswell said

"How do you two know each other?" Gaz asked

"She saved my life.." I said as silence filled the room for a couple seconds

"She was the one who alerted Price, the one who got Y/N saved" Laswell said patting her on the back

"I am going to be working with you Santosa, to take Bonderav down"

"Call me Y/N" I said reaching a hand out towards her

"But why betray him?"

She looked at me and her icy colored eyes looked through me

"He is to full of himself, the government is fucked but he is worse in some aspects" she said scoffing a bit

"So how can you help us out?" Gaz asked

"I know Dimetri... Intimately" She said sounding almost ashamed

We talked for a little bit longer before I stepped outside and grabbed a lighter, the wind made it hard to light anything

"So Arina, you know her well?" Soap asked behind me

He put his arms around my shoulders and cupped the tip of the lighter so I could light it without the wind

"Not really, only what she's done for me" I said lighting the cigarette

"Do you trust her?"

"Enough to work with her" I shrugged

I didn't know what he was insinuating but I shrugged it off

As long as she doesn't screw us over I suppose I have no reason to distrust her

"It's blowing a hoolie out here I am going back inside" He said his arms shivering a bit crossed

I was freezing but I needed the fresh air to clear my head

I couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement and nervousness.

I shook my cigarette and stomped it out on the ground before returning to the warmer motel

Soap and Gaz were already making themselves at home in the lobby which made Laswell sigh

"They act like children sometimes" she said laughing

"Yeah but what can you do" I shrugged and sat down

"At least they don't act like that in the feild" she retorted

"Excuse me, Laswell" I heard Arina's voice cut through the room and I looked to see her standing there with Aleksandr standing behind her.

His figure towered over her effortlessly even though he seemed nice enough his demeanor cause him to be more frightening

"Laswell I need to speak with you"

Laswell looked back at us and nodded before walking off

She left me, Arina, Gaz, and Soap alone in the lobby.

The other recruits were somewhere else, I am guessing their rooms, there was no towns around and we didn't exactly prepare for entertainment

So I did the next best thing, laid my head down and took a nap.

When I woke up, everybody was gone and the room was empty. The whir of the heater in the corner could be heard and I stood up

I walked through the hall, my shoes lightly clicking against the hardwood.

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