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"so anxious to get back in the feild?" i heard a familiar Spanish accent

i turned to see Rudy

"where have you been lurking Rudy" I said my hand reaching for a cigarette

"you would know if you left your room once in a while" he laughed and took the pack of cigarettes from me

"Alejandro is gonna kill me if i let you start smoking again"

"that man cares for you hermosa" he said holding up the pack

"yeah yeah" i stood up snatching the pack back from him

"your funny Rudy, ill give you that" i said lighting up and taking a long drag.

he clicked his tongue and sat down

"When can I start training," I asked looking at Price who was fiddling with a lighter

"I want you to see the Medic tomorrow, see what he says, and then you will train with Ghost"

"Ghost? I'm gonna get my ass beat" I laughed

"I need to make sure you can hold your own and Ghost is the best at hand to hand on our team"

"Good to hear you talking well of me Cap." I heard a raspy British voice say

"Ghost? You're not supposed to be back until tomorrow" Gaz said

"Well some things got cut short," he said pulling at the collar of his sweatshirt

It was always strange to me how he wore a sweatshirt and jeans to almost every combat scenario

"Rudy, Y/n" Alejandro came through and hugged both of us

"Y/n, are you ok?" he said looking me up and down, my washed out complexion and tired eyes probably gave everything away but my leg was bouncing up and down lightly to which he put his hand on it and sighed

"I'm going to see the medic tomorrow," I said briefly trying to make sure that I caused no worry but Ghost stared at me through his balaclava and I stared back

"Well I am beat, I am going to lay down for a bit" I laughed and stood up

"But you just-" Rudy started but Alejandro stopped him

Price and Gaz both looked at me with sympathetic eyes

"Dont waste this opportunity Stalker." Price said

"Trust me price I am more than ready"

I waved him off and walked out hearing distant conversation

"Are you really letting her back so soon, she hardly looks ready" Ghost said

"I have no say in this one" Price retorted

Their conversation became quieter as I left

The sun hit my eyes and I squinted a little before looking down walking straight into a muscular figure

"Woah there lass" Soap stood in front of me his arms on my shoulders


"You ok?" I think he could see my displeasure with this whole situation

"Yeah, the sun is pretty bright today" I gave a small laugh

"Where you headed?"

"My room"
He looked me up and down before opening his mouth to speak again

"I'll walk you to your room"

We walked down the hallway and not a word was said

But nothing needed to be said

all fair in love and war  (mw2 x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt