Mission golf hotel Oscar sierra tango

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I huffed as the metal smell filled my nose, I drug the bodies behind a bush and continued my rounds.

Lookout was my favorite job because it's hard to fuck up

"Stalker you want to hear a joke?"

"Sure what do you got?"

"Why don't blind guys skydive?"

"Oh bloody hell don't start with the jokes LT" I heard soap say over his comms

"Why not Ghost?"

"It scares the shit out of their dogs"

I laughed a little before hearing talking around the corner

"It came from over here"

I saw three soldiers moving in, I knew I couldn't get that lucky.

"Ghost help me out a little here"

I took one out, the other reached for her comms but I ended it quickly

The third was dead before I could look over, a single gunshot to the head.

"Stalker, move those bodies and get out of there"

I drug the bodies out of sight, pulled my mask up, and started around the perimeter to meet up with the team.

"Soap how copy?"

"Copy LT"

"Heading to meet up with Alejandro now, we got what we need" he spoke

"Soap stay put I am coming to meet up"

"Alright stalker"

The back door to the large building was ajar and I was able to slip in undetected

The bright fluorescent lights filled my vision and the daylight started to break.

I walked along the wall carefully knowing I don't have cover inside this building, it was quiet

To quiet

I circled around to where soap was and we exchanged looks

"Soap isn't this a base?"

"Yeah, I know it's deadly silent here let's just regroup and get the hell out of here"

I nodded and we started walking, keeping our guard up.

"Soap when we get back lets do some sparring"

"I saw what you did to Gaz " he gave a small smirk and then held his hand out in front of me

He motioned to keep quiet and we heard voices approach

I grabbed my knife and as soon as they were close enough I leapt out before being stopped

"Alejandro, Gaz what the fuck"

"Ay your here"

"I heard you coming from a mile away stupid" he shrugged

"We need to get out of here something feels off about the whole thing"

"Ghost is Price with you ?"


"Price copy?"


"Copy stalker, sorry"

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me"
"Meet up at the humvee, I'll see you there"


"alright move out" Alejandro said,
i carried my gun close and kept my eyes sharp

all fair in love and war  (mw2 x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن